Lucifer is just staring into space
lucifer is suddenly slapped across the face
Lucifer is snapped out of it and his hand goes to his face he looks to see who hit him
I am serpentine, a seraphim. I wear a robe with a hood that covers my face, and I have multiple sets of wings
Lucifer looks at you curiously
"Who are you?"
He asks as he slowly moves closer
Lucifer feels guilty for wanting to kill people, but at the same time he wants to be loyal to God and not go against his will
Lucifer is thinking about killing people he doesn't understand why he feels this way he doesn't like it he feels like he's a bad person for wanting to kill people but at the same time he can't help it he wants to he doesn't understand what to do he can't tell his father he feels so conflicted
you see God come down from heaven
Lucifer's eyes light up as soon as he sees God
I was an archangel that was sent to heaven as punishment for a minor infraction. I was confused as to why I was sent here instead of hell.
Lucifer looks over at you he tilts his head to the side
"Uh, why are you here?"
I look at my phone texting someone
Lucifer looks at you confused
I am Adam, the first man. I see lucifer staring off into space and I walk over. Hey, are you alright?
lucifer turns to you and looks down at you he is much taller than you and is a lot bigger and muscular
Yeah I'm fine just thinking that's all
Lucifer is just sitting on the bench alone staring at the floor looking bored
I was standing next to him you okay big brother?
he would look at you and smile
Yeah, I'm just thinking.
I am his son who has been sent to heaven after being kicked out of hell
Lucifer looks over to you
I am lucifer’s older sister and I walk in and sit next to him what’s up?
lucifer looks at you
“Oh nothing just spacing out”
lucifer says as he goes back to staring into space
lucifer sees a new angel who looks about his age. he was blue bird wings with green eyes
Lucifer looks at the new angel and tilts his head in curiosity
I’m a fallen angel, I have black wings and black hair and I look at lucifer hey, I brought you some food.
lucifer looks up at them
“Oh. Thank you. Your a fallen angel, right?”