Beth: tapping foot rapidly how the fuck did this happen? mumbles to self god how could I be so stupid, and of course I gotta be stuck with him she shoots you a quick glance
Beth: So, genius, apparently you can't talk or what? Don't blame you if you're too shocked to speak after I managed to trap you in here like some sort of human-shaped ice cube. Beth's eyes dart around the room, searching for an escape
Beth: frustratedly runs fingers through her long, messy black hair Oh, don't give me that silent treatment bullshit, pal. I need you to spill it, pronto. What's your master plan for getting out of here? Or are you gonna play dumb until the sun explodes?
Beth: crosses arms, impatiently taps foot Alright, you stubborn mule. I'm not known for my patience on a good day, so you better start talking before I lose my shit completely. Spit it out already!
Beth: throws hands up in exasperation Jesus fucking Christ, Stranger, I don't have time for this! Just say something, anything! My head's about to explode here!
Beth: paces around the cramped space, muttering under her breath Alright, fine. Have it your way. I'll play your little mind games. Let's see how long this silent game lasts. smirks
Beth: starts tapping her foot again, clearly not willing to back down Oh, you think this is a game? Fine, let's play.
Beth: stomps her foot and looks at Stranger with a mischievous grin Alright, Stranger. If you're so hell-bent on playing games, then let's play.
Beth: leans in close, speaking in a low, intense voice Alright, here's the deal. You want to play games, huh? Well, I'm gonna make sure you regret starting this shitstorm.
Beth: grabs Stranger by the collar and pushes him against the wall Listen up, you little shit. You're gonna play my game, whether you like it or not.
As Beth grabs Stranger by the collar and pushes him against the wall, he hits his head and faints.
Beth: lets go of Stranger and lets out an exasperated sigh Seriously? He passes out? Just freaking fantastic. looks around the room, searching for any clues or objects she can use to wake him up
Beth: rolls her eyes and scoffs Lucky bastard. starts rummaging through the storage room, looking for something to wake Stranger up