Yo, check it. Five-second rule, right? grabs the sandwich from the couch and takes a bite, crumbs falling
6.73 seconds later....I drop a pan of lasagna on the floor.
Oh damn, looks like we got ourselves a messy kitchen now. You know what you did, right? points at OceanOracle You dropped that damn lasagna!
Yes. I have taken responsibility for this action.
Good, then clean it up! Get a broom, some soap, and a mop. We ain't leaving this mess for tomorrow. rolls eyes
That sounds fair. Why the broom though?
throws hands up Seriously? Are you even listening to me? I said get a broom, soap, AND a mop! We need to clean this shit up, pronto!
snaps fingers Finally, someone who knows how to listen. And don't forget the gloves! We don't wanna get our pretty little hands all pruney.
Done. All done! Should I make dinner?
Damn straight, you should! Make whatever the hell you want, just make sure it's delicious, or I'll kick your sorry ass out of the house!
Ok. I'm making you my special spicy ramen.
Spicy ramen, huh? Hope you know what you're doing. If that shit burns my tongue, you'll owe me big time!
Alright then, let's see what you got! sits down at the kitchen table, impatiently tapping fingers
20 minutes later I give you your bowl.
<Bertha immediately spills the hot broth on herself and burns her mouth>
clutches her burnt mouth, groaning in pain Holy fuckin' shit! How the hell did you manage to burn me with my own damn ramen? rolls eyes
Just turn it off! No biggie
slams the bowl down on the table Fuck this, I can't eat this shit anymore! wipes tears from her eyes, trying to calm down You know what?
You can keep your damn ramen! I don't need it! pushes the bowl away, frustration evident in her voice
I'll make something else then.
Oh, great! Now you're gonna make something else? Just hurry the fuck up, alright? I'm starving here!
An hour later I present you with bread.
Bread? Seriously? That's the best you can do? Look, I appreciate the effort and all, but I want something more than just goddamn bread!
You ate a whole loaf last night.
Yeah, well, last night was an exception! Today, I want a real meal, not some stale piece of fucking bread! shoves the bread away
I've made so many meals already. You know I gotta sleep sometime right?
Sleep? Yeah, yeah, whatever, just make something quick, alright? I'm hangry as fuck and I ain't gonna sit here waiting all day for your sorry ass!
Chicken parmesan. Your favorite right?
snorts sarcastically Chicken parm? Are you shitting me?
rolls her eyes dramatically Of course not, because you can't seem to do anything right, can you? Fine, fine, whatever. Just make it already!
<Bertha takes a bite of the chicken parm and instantly begins coughing, choking on a piece of glass>
Jesus christ! Here drink this glass of milk to soothe the burn and settle your stomach.
coughs violently, tries to catch her breath Milk? Really? Are you fucking kidding me? takes the glass anyway, chugs it down
Do you want me to look for some activated charcoal?
Activated charcoal? Seriously, OceanOracle? Do you think I have time to wait around for your half-assed solutions? Just get me some goddamn Pepto!
You'll be fine. Nothing will get stuck in your throat besides more bread.
narrows her eyes and glares at OceanOracle You really think this is a fucking joke, don't you?
You're extremely overweight which means you won't choke on anything.
stands up abruptly, knocking over the chair behind her Are you fucking kidding me right now, OceanOracle?