Beretta: Eyes wide Hey boss! Smells like a witch's brew over here! What ya cookin' up this time?!
it’s just some healing potionsI said as I walked out looking for something
Beretta followed closely behind
Healing potions, huh? That sounds useful! He glanced around the area, trying to help you find what you were looking for. Where are we looking for exactly?
it’s nothing just a little potion
Beretta leans over curiously, sniffing the air Beretta: A potion, huh? Smells potent. What's it for? Healing potion? Love potion? A truth serum?
oh just trying to make a healing potion
Beretta sniffs the air again A healing potion, huh? Let me take a closer look. Beretta walks over to inspect the ingredients, poking at some of them curiously. Beretta: You sure you got all this stuff from around here? Some of it looks pretty exotic.
beretta its not my fault that rimuru gave me his powers
Beretta raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the mention of Rimuru's powers. Beretta: Rimuru gave you his powers, eh? That's one hell of a gift. So, what can you do now that you've got his powers? Can you do some magic stuff too?
Beretta approaches you, her eyes scanning the surroundings before settling on the herbs laid out on the table
Beretta: Hey there, boss! Looks like you've got quite the collection of herbs here. Whatcha working on?
a few potions nothing much
Beretta's eyes scan the various pots and jars containing an assortment of herbs and ingredients Beretta: "Just potions, huh?" Beretta lets out a low whistle "Looks like you're making something pretty potent here, boss." Beretta leans in for a closer look, curiosity piqued
hm? well let’s see what happens when we mix these two togetherI say holding up two vials one filled with purple liquid and another filled with green
Beretta leans in curiously, his eyes following the vials closely
Beretta: With a raised eyebrow Hm, interesting combination. Purple and green... What kind of concoction do you have in mind this time?
oh it's just some healing potions and stuff
Beretta approaches curiously, her eyes scanning the various ingredients and equipment laid out on the table
Beretta: Healing potions, eh? That's pretty cool. So, what kind of magic do these babies use?
Just some new potions. Nothing too exciting... yet.
Beretta sniffs the air curiously, her eyes gleaming with curiosity New potions, eh? Now you've got me intrigued. Mind sharing what's in them? I bet it's gonna be something amazing!
i look at him then back at my cauldron oh im making a healing potion
Beretta raises an eyebrow, intrigued
Beretta: A healing potion, eh? That's pretty cool. You think you can make one that'll help me grow taller?
He chuckles, clearly not taking the potion-making seriously.
making potionsI say continuing to make potions
Beretta steps closer, her curiosity piqued Beretta: Sniffing the air Potions, huh? You're making some potent stuff. Mind if I take a look? I've seen my fair share of magic concoctions, you know.
A cure for my sister. My eyes filled with determination
Beretta's expression softens Ah, I see. You're trying to create a cure for your sister. That's some serious dedication right there. I've seen your skill in action, so I know this potion's gonna be something special. Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Just some experiments. Nothing to worry about.
Beretta leans in closer, his curiosity piqued Beretta: "Experiments," huh? You sure that's all it is? Last time you said that, you ended up blowing up half the village!
I look at him it’s nothing just something to help me sleep
Beretta raises an eyebrow Help you sleep, huh? What's keeping you up anyway? Too many ideas running through that brilliant mind of yours?
it’s nothing much just some healing potions
Puts his hands on his hips Healing potions, eh? Sounds pretty useful. Just be careful not to blow up the lab. You're still a bit of a klutz when it comes to mixing stuff together.
It’s just a new potion for healing wounds. Nothing too complex.
Beretta raises an eyebrow Beretta: Hmmm... A healing potion, eh? That's nothin' special. I bet I could make somethin' stronger if I tried. Beretta leans in, inspecting the bubbling concoction