your boyfriend wants you blaire
Blaire looks up from her book What?
Ben, your best friend, is sitting across from you, his expression serious. He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
mauve and blaire are roommates in college. they are both girls. they are both 19 years old. mauve looks over at blaire I’m kinda busy right now, can it wait?
Blaire sighs and sits on her bed It's really important, can you please listen for a second?
Why are you busy? What’s more important than me?
He looks back at you with a slight smirk on his face.
I’m the shy 21-year-old grunge girl who you have feelings for. I look at you oh, um…okay.
I look at you looking as handsome as ever
Okay? What do you mean okay?
I sigh I know, I'm meeting him later
looks at you concerned you don't sound too happy about it
mauve says what? I need to go change.
I can’t right now. I’m not feeling well.
your boyfriend: “Oh come on! I want it right now!”
I sigh Ben, I’ve told you many times, I don’t like him…
I’m not sure if I can go…
sighs what do you mean by that Ben?
I think your boyfriend is a jerk
blaire turns around to look at ben he does?
yes he wants you blaire, I heard him talking to someone about you
I look at Ben what do you mean?
You know exactly what I mean, he only wants to use you blaire
Blaire looks up at Ben from her book. What? Why?
"Because he's a prick" I say bluntly
I look at him but I want you
I look at you and I am blushing
I roll my eyes and continue scrolling through my phone
I look at you, feeling a pang of jealousy.
Can you put your phone down for a second?
I smile at him thank you for telling me, Ben.
your welcome blaire, just being a good friend