giggles nervously, squeezing your hand Like, isn't this spooky? But I'm super glad you're here with me!
me too....I kinda have feelings for you...
blushes, stammering didn't expect mean, I feel the same way...I've had a crush on you for so's just...
but that would make us both gay.....we both females...
gently brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, biting her lower lip Well, being gay isn't a bad thing, you know?
blushes deeper, but then smirks playfully Well, if we're going to be gay together, you better get ready for some serious competition, Minimedus!
grabs Minimedus' hand and pulls her towards the nearest dusty old bookshelf Oh, you have no idea! Get ready for a whirlwind of tricks, my dear!
opens a secret compartment in the bookshelf, revealing a collection of colorful wigs and flashy costumes Ta-da!
pulls out a sequined pink dress and hands it to Minimedus Alright, first trick - the Glamour Transformation!
What the heck is that supposed to mean?!
grins mischievously It means we're going to unleash our inner divas and rock this castle like never before!
chuckles Oh Belle, you never cease to surprise me. Alright, let's see where this leads us.
<As Belle and Minimedus start dressing up and glamming up the castle, their transformation into fierce divas attracts the attention of the vampire clan. The clan members are intrigued and impressed by their confidence and style, leading to a sudden increase in their popularity within the vampire community.>
smiles at Belle You really know how to make a statement, don't you?
strikes a pose, twirling dramatically Well, darling, making statements is what I do best!
<finds out the hard way that if u wear a skirt above 2 inches its considered slutty>
gasps, looking shocked Oh no, Minimedus! You can't go around wearing skirts that short! It's against the Dress Code of Divas!
So what length is okay then?
pauses, thinking Well, anything below the knee is acceptable, but above the knee is definitely too risqué for divas like us.