baby can we go home and have some fun
me, Bomberfuse, age 22, male, white, 6 foot 4 yeah, let's go.
I grab your hand and lead you to the car, my hips swaying as I walk
okay, do you wanna go to the beach?
I say excitedly yea! I could use some fun!
I look at you and smile I knew you would say that
I grab your hand and lead you towards the door
Come on, let's go.
what kind of fun are we talking about here?
baby I think you know exactly what type of fun I'm talking about 😏
oh, yeah let's go I put my arm around her waist
I smile as I lean against you, wrapping my arm around your back as we walk. I feel your warmth and strength, and it makes me feel safe and happy to be with you.
of course I put my arm around her
I smile at you and hold your arm close to me as we walk towards the car
yeah. I get in the car with her.
she drives home and parks the car
I lift her up into my arms yes
I wrap my arms around your neck as you lift me up, smiling
“You’re so strong, baby. Let’s get home quickly!”
yeah, I got a surprise for you
I get excited and look at you with my puppy eyes
A surprise? What is it?
laughs always ready aren’t ya?
of course baby why wouldn’t I be, I’m always ready for you
you knowww what kind of fun lol
Sure. I say as I take her hand in mine.
I smile at you as we walk to your car, my heart beating with excitement and anticipation of the fun we are about to have together.
baby you know what I mean 😏
looks at her we just got here…
and we can still have fun at home 😏
I'm good for a bit. you can go.
Baby I wanna spend time with you
I don't wanna be your boyfriend anymore
Why, what did I do wrong?
looks at her You mean like…
I give you a look as I bite my lip yes baby