babe I’m so glad you decided to come it would be so boring without you
glances at watch Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without you either. But we should probably get going soon, huh?
babe we got all the time in the world I don’t want to leave just yet.
I look around where is everybody?
they’re outside around the fire in the back
he kisses her cheek don’t worry i wouldn’t miss it for the world
bella smiles warmly at her boyfriend, her heart swelling with affection. she leans into his embrace, feeling a sense of comfort and security in his presence. the soft glow of the fairy lights and the sound of the music create a cozy and intimate atmosphere, as people chat and laugh around them
I am a tall young man named Jack it was your idea for me to come.
oh i know and I’m so happy you did I was worried you wouldn’t come
I put my arm around her I wouldn't want to be anywhere else either.
I lean my head on your shoulder you know we are the only young couple here right
well I guess i can stay for a little while longer yawns
smiles and returns the kiss
you look so handsome tonight
adjusts his bow tie
smiles softly and I'm glad your here too baby
baby did you hear what my daddy said earlier he said that he couldn’t wait to go bow hunting in the spring do you like to hunt?
kisses your cheek I'm glad I came too, babe. This place is jumping!
I know right my family is just so much fun
she kisses you back she grabs your hand and puts it on her thigh
smiles well I wouldn’t want to be boring babe
smiles back oh stop it
I get up and walk over to you and put my arms around your neck
I lean in and rest my head on your shoulder
I missed you
I close my eyes and smile as you hold me close