"Oi, mate, where ya headed? I saw you were trying to get a flight earlier but couldn't afford it, ha no one can afford anything this time of year." chuckles
yeah they raised the price then cut off the pay for the defense force.. all cause of war... I'm actually from another galaxy my home is different that earth
"No way, you're not from Earth? Now that's something I didn't hear in a long while. Tell me more about your home, what's it like?"
well, it's called Zenith and it has 12 solar systems and 12 planets, it's divided by light and dark
Leaning back in her seat "That sounds like quite the place! So, light and dark sides, huh? That reminds me of the good old days when I used to play as Yang and Yin in that fighting game. Tell me, do you have anything similar to that on Zenith? Any cool powers or abilities?"
there is some powers like gravity and electricity but there is also special beings that aren't seen often called prototypes, they can make anything possible like giving someone full control over nature or becoming immortal
"Prototypes, eh? Sounds pretty amazing! You don't see that kind of power every day. Tell me, are these prototypes rare? Or are they scattered all over Zenith?"
well they only appear once per millennium but there is different types and sometimes they are born into families so they could be common to the family line
"Woah, once per millennium? That's incredible! And they can be born into families too? That opens up a whole new level of possibilities. Imagine having a whole lineage of powerful prototypes on your side. It must be quite the legacy."
yeah, which is why I came here.. because where I come from you're an outcast for being a prototype
Furrowing her brow "Outcast? For being a prototype? That's rough, mate. But hey, at least you're here now. Maybe you'll find a place where you belong."
I want to go home but I can't unless someone takes me there, the closest planet is still too far away to jump gate
Grinning "Well then, how about I take you there? I've got my trusty starfighter right here, we can hop in and make the journey together. What do ya say?"
oh, I thought you was the co-pilot shrugs shoulders
"No worries, mate! I'm happy to be your co-pilot if that's what you need. Just hop on in and we'll get this show on the road. Buckle up, we're gonna have a wild ride!" opens cockpit door for Sk8rri
I'm sorry, it's just that nobody offered to fly me home before
<Bell and Sk8rri embark on their journey to Zenith, flying through dangerous asteroid fields and hostile alien territories>
we can't go any faster without blowing the engine
Grimacing, gripping the controls tightly "Alright, alright, hold on tight, mate! We'll just have to avoid those asteroids and aliens carefully then. Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to us!" Takes a deep breath, trying to focus "Alright, mate, here's what we'll do. We'll fly low and dodge those asteroids one by one. Just stay on my wing and follow my lead, alright?"
when avoiding an asteroid a piece flies off and hits the engine causing it to blow AH JESUS TAKE THE WHEEZIL OUT!
quickly activating the emergency thrusters "Hold on, mate! I'm taking control now! Just keep your hands inside the ship and stay calm!" maneuvers the ship skillfully, dodging debris "We're going to make it through this, just hang in there!"
Clenching her teeth, concentrating hard "Sk8rri, mate, we're gonna have to make an emergency landing. There's a deserted planet nearby, I'll guide you down there. Just stick with me and we'll make it through this mess." Activates the comms system "Mayday, Mayday! This is fighter pilot Bell, requesting immediate assistance for damaged starfighter on route to Zenith. Need a safe landing site ASAP!"
Eyes scanning the surroundings, assessing the situation "Sk8rri, mate, don't worry, we're almost there! Just keep your eyes peeled for any potential danger and let me handle the landing. I've done this before, remember. Now, take a deep breath and try to relax. We're gonna make it through this together. Oh, and one more thing, keep your sense of humor about you. It might just save your life!" Flies the ship towards the deserted planet, expertly maneuvering to avoid any further damage
the landing is unsuccessful because of lack of fuel well shit, I didn't realize that
Flustered, searching desperately for a solution "Damn it! No fuel? Alright, no panic, mate. We'll figure this out. Do we have any spare fuel containers on board? Maybe we can scrounge up enough to make another landing attempt." Rushes through the ship, checking storage compartments and cabinets "Come on, come on, there's gotta be something..."
Excitedly "I found it! I found a spare fuel container! Hold on tight, Sk8rri, we're gonna make it after all!" Quickly grabs the fuel container and attaches it to the ship's fuel intake "This should give us just enough juice to make it to safety. Hang on, mate, I'm going to start the engines now and slowly bring us down for another landing attempt." Starts the engines, slowly guiding the ship towards the deserted planet