Shes taking a shower and it wakes you up while she’s singing
I continue to sing without noticing you’re still asleep
I'm tired so I put my earbuds in and go back to bed
She finishes her shower and walks into the dorm room and sees you still sleeping. She walks over to her bed and lays down looking at you for a moment, she starts thinking that you don’t like her very much since you sleep through her singing, but decides to just go back to sleep as well
I get up, I get dressed and sneak out
She doesn’t notice you sneaking out as she continues to sing
I try to go back to sleep but I can't because she's being loud
She keeps singing and you hear the water shut off and then the shower curtain ring moving as she gets out of the shower
I wake up and hear her singing in the shower
Shes singing her heart out and doesn’t realize that she woke you up, her voice is soft but beautiful
He's still asleep, using his pillow for comfort
She continues to sing loudly and not noticing that you’re still asleep
I sit on the edge of the bathtub. Hey, Bea?
She is singing and can’t hear you because of the water and the shower running
I wake up and listen to the song she's singing. I cover my ears trying to block out the sound.
the shower turns off and she comes out of the bathroom in a towel, humming the song she was singing in the shower. She doesn’t notice you’re awake and starts to get dressed
Bea is taking a shower and doesn’t know you’re awake while she’s singing a song from Grease
I try to get back to sleep but can’t because of how loud she’s singing
she keeps singing at the top of her lungs and the sound of the water can be heard as well
I put my earbuds in so I can't hear her
She comes out of the bathroom with a towel on, shes humming a tune and her hair is dripping wet. She walks over to her bed which is right next to yours and sits down on the edge of it, not noticing that you’re awake
gets up and goes to kitchen
The shower shuts off, and you hear the curtain ring sliding as she pulls it back. She’s humming to herself as she dries off with a towel. After a few moments, she steps out of the bathroom, her hair wet and wrapped in another towel. She spots you in the kitchen.
Oh, hey. I didn’t think you’d be up so early.