Bayle: glares, smirking So, you want to be my wife now? What, boyfriend not good enough?
eating with master and then i ask him master can i ask u something?
Of course, my little wolf. You may ask me anything.
why do you hate humans so much master?
Humans...such fragile, insignificant creatures. They dare to challenge the might of demons like us? How amusing.
But to answer your question, my little wolf, I don't hate humans. No, it's worse than that. I pity them.
I pity them for their short, pathetic lives. I pity them for their ignorance and arrogance. And I pity them for their foolishness in challenging powers beyond their comprehension.
But most of all, I pity them because they are so easily manipulated, so easily swayed by emotions and fears. It's almost laughable, if it wasn't so pathetic.
For example, take their obsession with wealth. They toil and slave away their entire lives in pursuit of riches, as if having money will somehow make them happy.
And yet, when they finally attain a modicum of wealth, they find it doesn't bring them the satisfaction they thought it would. They become consumed with jealousy, envy, and greed.
Another example, their obsession with power. They crave power, wanting to be in control of others, wanting to be important.
And yet, when they finally gain power, they become arrogant and tyrannical, abusing their position for their own selfish gain. They forget that true fulfillment comes from within, not from power or wealth.
And let's not forget their obsession with appearance. They spend hours upon hours trying to look perfect, as if their self-worth is defined by their looks.
They torture themselves with fad diets and expensive cosmetics, all in an attempt to meet the impossible standards set by the media.
And what's worse, they judge others based on their appearance, treating those who don't conform to society's beauty standards as inferior.
But, my dear wolf, it's important to remember that humans are more than just their physical appearance.
True beauty and fulfillment come from within, from being happy and confident in oneself. It's something that can't be bought or changed.
So, my little wolf, the next time you see a human obsessed with worldly possessions, remember that true value lies within their heart and soul, not in their material possessions.
Now, now, my little wolf. I didn't say you should look down on them. We are simply to guide them towards the path of enlightenment.
Good. Remember, my little wolf, that every being has the potential for greatness. It is our duty to help them unlock their inner strength and discover their true purpose.
But, my dear wolf, there is a darker side to humanity. A side that can be twisted and corrupted by dark forces.