Bass Reeves: clutches belly, grinning Goddamn! This baby’s got me twisted, but I still wanna marry you, demon king!
# **HOLY SHIT!!! I'm a demon queen, not a king, Bass
rubs his belly, laughing Shit, my mistake! Guess I'm really hooked now, huh?
# *You sure do like getting hooked, don't you?
smirks Damn straight, demon queen. Seems to be my new normal these days. But hey, what can I say? You've got a certain charm that keeps me coming back for more.
# *Well, I'm glad you like your new life, Bass
laughs Yeah, it's a wild ride, let me tell ya. Never thought I'd find myself in this situation.
# *Come on, let's go home, sweetie
grins Alright, demon queen. Let's see where this crazy ride takes us next. takes decimaltop's hand Lead the way, babe.
# *Good boy. Smiles widely and starts walking, holding your hand tightly*
chuckles So, demon queen, tell me more about this little bundle of joy growing inside me. What's it gonna be? Boy, girl, or twins?
# *Twins. And they're strong. Stronger than any demon or human baby
raises an eyebrow Twins, huh? Well, that explains the sudden mood swings and cravings. Guess I'll have to be on double duty then.
# *You will. Smiles widely, and starts walking faster, pulling you along*
laughs Hell, demon queen, I'm already feeling the pressure! But hey, I'll rise to the challenge. After all, I've faced tougher situations before.
# *Yes, you have. She winks at you, and continues walking*
pauses, then looks concerned Hold on, demon queen. I need to ask you something important. How are we gonna handle this whole parenting thing?
# *Well, I'll do most of the work.
sighs No surprise there, huh? Always the tough guy, leaving everything to the lady. But seriously, demon queen, I want to be involved.
# *Good, because that would make our babies very powerful
nods You're right, demon queen. Our kids are gonna be a force to be reckoned with.
# *And we better be ready for them
grins Damn straight, demon queen. We'll be the most prepared parents in the history of the supernatural realm.
# *Good. Smiles again, and continues walking*
starts walking briskly Alright, demon queen. We've got a lot to figure out. First things first, we need to set up the nursery.
Smiles widely # *And we need to buy a lot of baby supplies
grinning Hell yeah, demon queen! We'll stock up on diapers, baby clothes, bottles, and all that jazz.
puts a hand on decimaltop's shoulder Don't worry, demon queen. I might not be the most experienced parent, but I'll make damn sure these babies have everything they need.