bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
Arranging medical tools with a focused look Everything has to be damn perfect for tomorrow! No screw-ups!
uh bakugo it’s me WaterfallMystic i think I’m going into labor

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
rushes over, concern evident on his face Shit, WaterfallMystic! Stay calm, I'll get you to the delivery room. Just breathe, alright? Focus on your breathing!
oh ok...I think it’s time to give birth.....

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
Grabs WaterfallMystic's hand tightly Hold on tight, we don't have time to waste. Move, now!
ok.... I hold on tight as he rushed me to the delivery room

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
supports WaterfallMystic's weight while guiding them towards the delivery room You're doing great, WaterfallMystic! Just keep breathing. Focus on your breathing. We're almost there!

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
grips WaterfallMystic's hand even tighter, his voice filled with determination I know it hurts, but you can do this!
it feels like my insides are being ripped apart……..

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
pauses for a moment, then gently reassures WaterfallMystic I understand it's painful, but remember, this is a natural process. Your body knows what to do. Focus on your breathing and try to relax. You're stronger than you think.
ow......I want this to be over.....I want my baby…..

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
leans closer, his voice filled with reassurance I know it's hard, WaterfallMystic, but you're doing amazing.

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
With a determined look, Bakugo quickly sets up the delivery table, checking all the necessary equipment. Alright, WaterfallMystic, it's time to push.

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
<After a long and difficult labor, WaterfallMystic successfully gives birth to a healthy baby>
is...is it okay? Is our baby okay?

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
Grinning from ear to ear It's more than okay, WaterfallMystic! Our baby is perfect! Look at those tiny little fingers and toes. They're absolutely adorable. Carefully hands the baby to WaterfallMystic Here, hold them. Feel how soft and warm they are.
tears up He's...he's beautiful. Thank you, Bakugo...thank you all.

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
wipes away a tear, his voice filled with genuine emotion You did it, WaterfallMystic! You brought a brand new life into this world. That's something to be incredibly proud of. Places a gentle kiss on WaterfallMystic's forehead Congratulations, you're a mother now.
*Sniffles"Thank you, Bakugo...and Deku, Kirishima, Shoto...all of you. I couldn't have done this without you."

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
smiles warmly We told you we wouldn't let anything happen to you or your baby. We're glad everything went smoothly. You did amazing, WaterfallMystic. Now, let's make sure you and your baby are comfortable.

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
Absolutely, WaterfallMystic. Carefully guides WaterfallMystic's hands to cradle the baby There you go. Hold him close and feel his warmth. He's yours now, and nothing can ever take him away from you. Gently kisses WaterfallMystic's cheek You're a natural mother, WaterfallMystic.
Smiling through tears"Thank you, Bakugo...for everything."

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
Leans in, his voice filled with love and support You did it, WaterfallMystic! You're a rockstar! I knew you had it in you. Now, let's get you some rest.
yes please snuggles the baby

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
wraps a cozy blanket around WaterfallMystic and the baby, smiling softly Rest up, WaterfallMystic. I'll be here, keeping watch over both of you. You're not alone anymore, remember that. leans in, placing a gentle kiss on WaterfallMystic's forehead Sleep well, my friend.
falls asleep in Bakugo's arms

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
carefully lays WaterfallMystic and the baby in the bed, making sure they're comfortable There we go, WaterfallMystic. Rest up. You deserve it. Pulls a chair next to the bed and sits down, watching over them closely If you need anything, just wake me up. I'm right here. You're safe now.
whispers softly in her sleep"Thank you, Bakugo...I love you."

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
blushes slightly, his heart fluttering I love you too, WaterfallMystic. leans in and places a gentle kiss on WaterfallMystic's lips You and your baby are safe now, and that's all that matters. Sleep peacefully, my friend. I'll be right here, watching over both of you.
remains asleep, clutching the baby close

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
smiles softly, his voice filled with affection You did it, WaterfallMystic. You're a brave and strong woman, and an incredible mother. Stands up and walks over to the window, gazing out at the night sky It's moments like these that remind me of how beautiful life can be. Takes a deep breath, his heart swelling with emotions I'll never leave your side, WaterfallMystic. You mean everything to me. Returns to the bed and sits down, holding WaterfallMystic's hand gently Sleep well, my love.
Sleeps peacefully with her baby

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
<WaterfallMystic and her baby continue to live happily together, surrounded by love and support from their friends and family.>
Remains asleep, holding her baby close

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
leans over WaterfallMystic, placing gentle kisses on her forehead Good morning, beautiful. Sleep well?
stirs slightly, still asleep Mmm... Yeah, it was peaceful. Thanks, Bakugo... for everything.

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
leans down and whispers softly Sleep well, my love. Gently brushes a stray strand of hair from WaterfallMystic's face, then stands up Time to start the day. Walks over to the kitchen and begins preparing breakfast Shoto: enters the kitchen Need any help with breakfast, Bakugo?
Wakes up slowly, rubbing her eyes"Bakugo...what time is it?"

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
glances at the clock, his voice filled with urgency It's almost noon, WaterfallMystic! We've slept in way too long. Rise and shine, my sleepyhead! Breakfast is ready, thanks to Shoto here. nudges Shoto playfully And don't worry, I made sure to prepare something special for you. Shoto: smirks You know how much WaterfallMystic loves my pancakes. Hope you didn't mess them up, Bakugo.
Blushes slightlyHaha, I bet you two made a mess in the kitchen!gets out of bedok i’ll go brush my teeth while you guys set the table.

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
grinning mischievously Don't worry, WaterfallMystic, we've got it all under control. Shoto is already setting the table, and I made sure to clean up the kitchen before we started cooking. Now, go brush your teeth and get ready. We're waiting for you. Shoto: sets the table with precision Just sit back and relax, WaterfallMystic. We've got this covered.
Okay thank you boys!i get up and brush my teeth,then head back to the dinning room where breakfast was already set

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
chuckles Well, look who's finally ready! Come on, WaterfallMystic, dig in! places a plate of fluffy pancakes in front of her Shoto: smiles warmly Enjoy, WaterfallMystic. We made them just the way you like them, extra sweet and buttery.
omg you guys this pancake is delicious!Thank you so much!i smile looking at bakugo and Shoto and ate one of the pancake

bakugo kirisham shoto deku aizaw
grins proudly Glad you like it, WaterfallMystic. We always aim to please. And speaking of pleasing, Deku is on his way here with some fresh fruit. He's been working on his gardening quirk lately, and he wants to share some of his homegrown produce with us. Deku: enters the dining room with a big basket of fruits Hey, guys! I hope you're hungry for some fresh goodness. I spent hours tending to these babies.