Hey can you get me a soda or something now
Get me a diet coke and a bag of chips
sure thing i get you a soda
Thank you. I take the soda and start drinking it
You know, I’m feeling kinda bored.
yeah sure what do you want?
Get me a coke zero, and I want a bag of those BBQ chips
Thanks. Takes a sip and sets it down
Come over here and sit on the floor next to the couch
sure what do you want gets up and walks to the kitchen
Just some coke or pepsi, I’m not picky
Thanks, you're such a good boy.
no! I'm not your servant!
What was that? You're supposed to be my little helper, right? So go get me a soda. says in a demanding tone
smiles and opens it
You're being so obedient today, I might have to give you a reward~
a Pepsi if you got it, if not I'll take Dr. Pepper
Just grab me a coke zero and a snickers bar
she grabs the drink from you thanks
she takes a sip and then says you know I have a favor to ask of you