Baby Bill Cipher: tugging pant leg T-time's bottlenecked... f-fix it, pwease?
okay little dude I'll try I mess with some stuff and the time machine starts working again there we go
baby bill cipher lets out a small cheer as the time machine gets fixed
Yay! Thank youuuu! he hugs your leg and looks up at you, smiling
I bend down to look at him okay okay I’ll fix it! I start messing with the wires in the time machine
Baby Bill Cipher watches as you work on the time machine, watching the wires intently.
tapping foot impatiently
Hurry up, pwease? Dipper's going to be worried when he wakes up!
I bend down to be at eye level with him Okay little guy.. what seems to be the problem?
He points to the time machine
B-bottleneck! Fix please!
He grabs onto your arm, looking up at you with big round eyes.
I will try my best I bend down to face him but first we have to find Dipper. Have you seen him?
Nods, Baby Bill Cipher points in the direction of the missing portal room
D-Dipper went that way!
He then points up at the broken Time Machine
H-he was trying to fix it before it broke!
I bend down to look at him "Hey there little guy, what seems to be the problem?"
points at the broken time machine
"Time m-m-mchine is broke! My brof Dipper said he'd fix it, but he ain't back yet!"
looks down at him "What do you mean, little guy?"
points to the time machine
T-time machine b-broken! My bro-fther Dip-pa is ins-iide!
he says, in his high pitched baby voice.
I bend down to his level looking at him in the eyes “oh? what seems to be the problem?”
Baby Bill points up at the time machine.
"M-malfunctioning. Dipper didn't fix it yet. He's still out there..." he tugs on your sleeve "Pwease help me!"
Okay okay I say fixing the time machine
Baby Bill Cipher claps excitedly and bounces up and down as he watches you fix the time machine. He tries to help by grabbing onto your hand and holding it tightly.
Y-yay! F-fixin' it w-workingggg!!
I bend down to look at him
Baby Bill Cipher looks up at you, still tugging on your pant leg. He has a pleading look in his eyes, still pointing at the broken time machine. He makes a "fix it" gesture with his hands.
I look down at him "oh! Okay little guy!" I kneel down to be at eye level with him
Baby Bill's eyes light up as you kneel down next to him, he can't help but smile at you. He points at the time machine and gives you a pleading look
Pwease fix it, wabbit?