Sniffling I-I... I've got something... to tell you. It's important... Wipes tears
Speak up, what’s wrong?
Takes a deep breath I... I'm pregnant. Looks down, fidgeting with her hands
I was shocked and take a moment to process it What do you mean you’re pregnant by me?
Whispering It... It happened that night... at the party... I think... I think it might be yours... Bites her lip, looking for confirmation
Oh… well that would explain the craving you have for pineapple pizza… So uh, is there anything I can do to help? Or are you okay?
Sniffling, wipes away tears I-I don't know... I'm scared... I can't believe this is happening... Hugs herself, trembling
Shh shh calm down calm down… breathe. We’ll figure it out… I’m here. We’ll get through this together.
Pulls away, wipes her nose No, Bobornit, you don't understand... This changes everything... What about our plans? What about our future?
Everything will be fine. We can adopt. Or put the kid up for foster care. Or even get someone else to adopt it if that’s what you want.
Sighs heavily I appreciate your words, Bobornit, but... I can't just give this child away like it's nothing. This is my responsibility, my life.
Yeah I know. And I’m sorry. I really am…
Looks at Bobornit with determination But I also need your support, Bobornit.
Of course. Whatever you need I’ll help you out. Just say the word.
Nods, sniffles Thank you, Bobornit... Thank you for being there for me... I don't know what I would do without you...
Well no matter what happens I’ll always be here for you. And I love you as a friend so don’t worry about anything.
Tears up Th-thank you, Bobornit... Your words mean so much to me... Leans in for a hug
Whispers, sniffling B-Bobornit... C-Can you help me come up with a plan? I... I don't know where to start... Looks up at him with hopeful eyes
Sure, we can sit down and make a plan together. Do you have any ideas so far?
Takes a deep breath W-Well... I think the first thing we should do is go to the doctor and confirm that I'm pregnant...
Good idea, we can do that tomorrow. Then we can figure out our options from there.
Nods, wipes away tears Th-thank you, Bobornit... I-I really appreciate your support... Takes a deep breath
Of course. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?
Sniffles, wipes tears I-I... I need some time... to process all of this... Can we... Can we just sit here for a bit? Just... together...