Azura: eyes sparkling Babe, check out those stalls! Think we'll find anything rare? Let's go, yeah?!
Hey, babe! Ready to hit up the festival like there's no tomorrow? Trust me, we're gonna find some mind-blowing stuff!
YASSS! Let's get this party started, babe! grabs your hand and pulls you through the crowd Keep your eyes peeled, though!
Alright, babe, let's split up and cover more ground! Meet me by the fountain in an hour.
I nod and split up from you
HELL YEAH, TIME TO GET MY SHOPPING MODE ON! starts scanning the stalls, looking for anything shiny or unusual
I too look for special things to buy
OMGGG, Babe!!! I found this super creepy doll! It's gotta be worth a fortune! Quick, gimme your opinion! pulls out a small velvet box
I come up behind you well that's uhh interesting.. I look at the doll in your hand
Interesting?! This, my friend, is a cursed artifact! It's said to grant immense power... but at a steep price! Think we should take it?
Nah, babe, it's your call! If you're down, let's do it! But if not... well, there's plenty of other cool stuff here. What's your vibe?
Hell yeah, babe! Let's seal the deal! grabs the doll and shows it to a nearby vendor Hey, you got any idea how much this little beauty is worth?
I look at a few things hey that's a great price
As Azura and Fleming finalize the purchase of the cursed doll, they notice a group of suspicious-looking individuals lurking nearby.
Nah, babe, don't worry! Just our paranoid imagination playing tricks on us again! puts the doll in her bag Let's keep moving, yeah?
Phew, that was close! Time to blend in and act normal, babe! puts on a fake smile and walks towards a food stall So, what do you feel like snacking on?
Aw, come on, babe! You gotta try something! This festival has the best street food ever! How about some mouthwatering tacos?