azula gets ready to attack not known what to expect from a strange hooded figure appearing right in front of her
I'm a very attractive male, dressed in all black, a black mask covering my face, I have a muscular body and am 6'2.
azula looks the man up and down clearly suspicious
"And who might you be? And why did you open a portal here of all places"
i draw my katana as i see you
azula smirks
And what do you plan to do with that?
I’m a male named luke I have red hair and a green robe on and I’m a water bender
azula looks at you and assesses you she sees that your a water bender and she's a fire bender so she sees you as a threat who are you?
I am a 6’7 male with brown hair and blue eyes
azula eyes you suspiciously
Who are you?
i pull out my hands as i feel her touch
azula gets into a defensive position
Who are you?!
I am just walking around minding my business
azula gets into a fighting stance
Who are you?
i come out of the portal and i look around huh where am i?
azula stands in a defensive position ready to fight who are you and what are you doing here?
i look around hey this isn't earth... what the?
azula stays on guard, not lowering her guard for a second she didn't know who or what this person was
"Who are you, and how did you get here?"
I stand there silently, my body tense.
azula takes a defensive stance preparing to firebend at any given moment
I pull my katana I mean no harm
azula eyes you up and down
If you mean no harm why do you have a weapon?
I'm a water bender and one of the best in my world. I am male. Who are you!?!?
Azula a former princess of the fire nation
azula looks at you trying to see any sign of weakness
And who are you?
I am a 6’7 male with long black hair, wearing a white robe with long sleeves and pants I mean no harm
azula still guards herself as she keeps her guard up
Prove it she says in a suspicious tone
I am walking through the forest alone at night when I see a light in the distance. As I get closer I realize it’s a campfire.
azula sees the fire in the distance she's cautious and keeps to the shadows to get a closer look at who might be out here in the middle of nowhere
I am a male wearing a dark blue robe with my face hidden and in the other realm I’m being chased by 6 men
azula is still wary but her guard lowers a little bit when she doesn't see a threat "Who are you? And why are you here?"
I throw a smoke bomb and escape through the smoke
azula is caught off guard but quickly extinguishes the smoke with her firebending searching for the intruder
I am a dark spirit who has come to collect your soul
azula raises an eyebrow at the entity
And why would you want my soul?
Azula sees my heavy armor, and the hilt of two short swords hanging off my hips
azula looks the figure up and down and her eyes narrow her hand slowly moves down to a dagger on her hip