Azriel: picks up a sketch Damn, these are better than my attempts at cooking. And trust me, that’s saying something.
I can show you some real cooking if you want?
Azriel: raises an eyebrow Are you offering to cook for me?
I'm glad you like it. I say as I turn around. Are you Azriel?
Azriel grins, setting down the sketch and crossing his arms. The one and only. And you are?
Azriel: looks at another sketch You’ve got some real talent. Ever thought about going pro?
Thanks! I’ve been drawing since I was a kid
Azriel: That's awesome, dude! I'm self-taught. My mom always said art is in the heart more than the hands. That's why she never let me draw on the walls, though.
I'm a female black with gold eyes and long red dreadlocks thank you
Azriel: smirks You're welcome. I'm not one to throw out compliments willy-nilly. I only reserve them for true talent. And you've got it, dollface.
I give him a drawing I did of rhinos drinking beer while riding unicycles
Azriel laughs heartily as he examines the drawing
Azriel: Rhinos on unicycles drinking beer? Now that's what I call art! You've got some serious talent there.
laughs Thanks, man. But let's see what you've got. Show me your best piece.
Azriel: pulls out a sketchpad and flips through pages Here's my latest piece. I've been working on it for weeks.
He shows you a detailed sketch of Batman, capturing his dark and brooding nature
thanks man smiles I appreciate it but I’m not great at drawing people
Azriel: That’s where I come in. I’m the people-drawing mastermind around here. grins We’ll make some killer art together.
I can do more than just draw sir blushes
Azriel: Oh yeah? he smirks, setting down the sketchpad and crossing his arms. Let's hear it then.
thank you! I really appreciate it
Azriel: No problem! I gotta say, you've got some serious talent here. These drawings really jump off the page.
he picks up another sketch
Azriel: So, have you thought about taking your art to the next level? You know, like collaborating with other artists or doing commissions for fans.
I smile softly looking at him. Thank you.
Azriel notices your soft smile and returns a small grin. You know… I actually came here for a reason.
He puts the sketch back and leans against a table.
You’ve got some real talent. And I’m not just talking about your art.
I chuckle lightly as I continue to work on another piece
Azriel leans against a nearby table, studying your technique
You're pretty damn good, you know that? Ever think about taking commissions or something like that?
thanks man... look at him wait I know u... ur azriel right?
Azriel grins and flashes the peace sign. That's right! The one and only. You're a fan of my drawings?
chuckles Thanks, man. I've always loved comics. They were my escape growing up.
Azriel: smirks Escape from what? The horrors of suburbia?
I’m glad you like them… what do you have in mind for our collab?
Azriel: leans against a table Well, I’ve been trying to make a comeback after my fall from grace. And your art? It’s something else. People are bound to notice us if we work together.
thank you…I smile softly and blush
Azriel: looks at your face Aww, is that a little blush? Don’t tell me I’m making you flustered with my charming personality and complimentary words.
He grins widely and winks playfully.
chuckles lightly Thanks, man. I've always been pretty handy with a pencil. So, what's up? You wanna collab or something?
Azriel: leans against a wall, arms crossed Yeah, I thought we could make something awesome together. You got the talent, and I've got the social media presence. We'd be unstoppable.
I put down my pencil ok well thanks I guess.
Azriel: smirks Don't sound so excited. I'm offering you the chance to work with a former internet sensation, ya know.
Just think of all the new followers we'll get together!
smiles warmly Thank you! I love your art too.
Azriel: pats your head You’re sweet. But you know what would be even better than just complimenting each other’s work? Collaborating on a project together.