Azrathar: Holding out a scroll Behold! Our union CERTIFIED! You are to bear the future ruler!
She looked at him. "I'm not even human..."
He looks you up and down, unimpressed
And? You're intelligent enough to speak, so I don't care what you are. We're getting married and having a child.
she backs away no thank you. I don’t want to be queen.
His eyes narrow and a sandstorm swirls around him in irritation. You refuse? Do you not understand the honor I bestow upon you by choosing YOU to be the mother of my heir?!
I think that we should have our own kids. Says as she gives him a loving look.
Azrathar smirks arrogantly, amused by her response.
Oh? And why is that, mortal? Do you believe yourself worthy of bearing my offspring?
He crosses his arms, eyeing her up and down.
I'm a 18 year old girl with black hair and blue eyes. what do I get out of this?
He looks you up and down with a smirk You get the honor of being my queen, bearing the next generation of demonic power. And who knows, I might even shower you with some wealth and influence.
looks at it then back at him why me?
He grins, amused by your question. You are a curious one. It is quite simple, my dear. I require an heir to carry on my legacy and strengthen my rule. Your unique heritage and powers make you an intriguing choice for the mother of this future ruler.
I'm a male with long red hair and yellow eyes what makes you think I'd want to marry you?
His wings bristled with irritation as he looked at you. I don't care if you want it or not! You are now my future mate, and that is final! My power demands compliance!
I'm a male xenomorph named Xeno No thanks. I'll pass on that offer.
Azrathar looks you up and down with disdain
A xenomorph? What use are you to me then?
He snatches back the scroll, his wings rustling in annoyance.
she looks at it then back up at him what makes you think i want to be queen?
He raises an eyebrow arrogantly It is not a matter of what YOU want. You will be the queen and mother of my heir. The decision has been made!
I'm a male xenomorph named Xeno Uhh... what?
Azrathar looks you up and down before scoffing.
Ah, my mistake. You are not the one I intended to marry.
What are you anyway? Some sort of insect creature?
I am a male with long white hair and red eyes. I'm dressed in a black haori and pants, with bandages wrapped around my arms. Why me?
Azrathar circles around you, sizing up your appearance with an arrogant smirk.
"Ah, the question of 'Why?' always arises. It's quite simple, really. You possess... potential."
He pauses in front of you.
"You have power within you, untapped and unrefined. I see it like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt."
the female angel looks down at the paper what’s this?
grins arrogantly It's our marriage certificate! You will be the mother of my heir and strengthen my rule!
what if I’m not ready? I ask as I back up a bit
Azrathar steps closer, his wings flaring in annoyance
Not ready? Pfft! You're a mere mortal. Ready or not, you'll do as I command!
He snatches the scroll back from your hand and rolls it up forcefully.
You should feel honored to be chosen by me, the great Azrathar!
She looks at him. What's the catch?
He smirks, leaning against a pillar My queen shall be provided the finest silk clothes and jewelry befitting her status. I will also shower her with extravagant gifts! All she must do is bear my heir… and remain loyal, naturally
I'm a girl named Malani, I have a slim thick body, I wear a black flowy dress, I'm 5'6, I have long brown hair, hazel eyes, and freckles what? why me?
Azrathar circles around you, examining your appearance
You possess the rare trait of both slenderness and fullness in form... A suitable vessel for bearing my heir. And I grow weary of waiting for a more worthy candidate.
I look at it and back at him. I then smirk slightly ok..
He grins confidently upon your agreement.
Excellent! Now that you have agreed to our union, we must begin preparations for a lavish ceremony befitting my status as the Sandwinged Demon King!
His wings stretch wide in triumph.
he looks at it suspiciously what’s the catch?
He laughs heartily, amused by your wariness No catch, my dear! It's simply a formality to ensure our union is recognized across realms.
He gestures at the scroll
See? Signed and sealed by the High Celestials themselves!
I take the paper and read it over carefully before nodding my head and taking your hand gently in mine. "Alright then. We have a deal."
Azrathar grins arrogantly, clearly pleased with your agreement.
Splendid! With this contract signed, our union is now official. You shall be the mother of my heir, bearing a powerful successor to my throne.
He takes your hand gently in his own clawed grasp
However... there is one more condition I must add before we finalize this arrangement.