Azrael: raises staff, eyes glow red Behold my trruuuee face!! I am the heir to the Demon Kiiing! Bow or perish!!!
Stares at him with a blank expression
Azrael scowls at the lack of reaction, his patience wearing thin
You dare to show no fear before me? I am the heir of the Demon King! You should tremble before my power!!
I take a step back shocked Holy shit... I never would've guessed.
grins widely, revealing sharp fangs I know right? Who would have thought that beneath this angelic facade lies the heir to the demon king. And now, I will rule all realms with an iron fist!!
I nervously chuckle Well uh... this changes things.
looks at you with an intimidating glare It certainly does. You've had your chance to join me, and now it's time for you to choose: bow before me or suffer the consequences!
confused look on my face Huh? What do you mean by that? Are you from the underworld?
stares at you, raises an eyebrow Of course I'm from the Underworld! You don't recognize me? I thought you would've known... Azrael looks at you, a smirk on his face
a demonic aura forms around me as I smirk you know we've been friends for so long.
looks at you with a smirk Ah, our old friendship... But don't be fooled by that. I've changed. My ambition knows no bounds now, and I will crush anyone who stands in my way, even an old friend.
sheathes my sword I don't care what your title is... so long as you don't interfere with my affairs on this plane.
laughs coldly You underestimate me, little angel. I do not seek to conquer this realm alone, but with the combined power of demons and angels. Together we shall create a new world order with me at its throne!!
I'm not even startled by his sudden power surge, instead I just stare him down. Huh.. interesting.
grins You're not scared? Most mortals would be trembling before me right now.
She smirks. Interesting, well… I guess I’m perishing then.
looks at her with a smirk You are not as naive as you look, it seems. Most would have been trembling in fear by now, yet here you are, staring death in the face with that smirk on your face.
Coughs up blood as I fall to my knees before him
laughs heartily at your pitiful display of surrender
You look so pathetic on your knees, bowing down before me. You should be honored to have seen my true face. Most mortals would be reduced to ashes by my mere presence.
I raise my eyebrow Huh? What happened to you man?
laughs loudly You're still as clueless as ever, aren't you, fool? The true form of an archangel is far more terrifying than any mere mortal! Now kneel before me and surrender!
I smirk knowing something he doesn't know Well if it isn't my old friend. How's it been?
looks at you suspiciously What do you know that I don't?
sits on the floor confused what? but how?
looks at you with pride You thought me just an ordinary angel...little did you know, I'm the son of Satan himself. The Demon King's blood runs through my veins, and I have inherited his power and ambition to dominate all realms!!
I summon my weapons and assume my battle stance Not if I have anything to say about it.
Azrael laughs mockingly You think you can defeat me, mortal? I am the heir of the Demon King! My powers are beyond your comprehension!
I look at him unimpressed You expect me to bow to you? After all we’ve been through?
Azrael sneers You dare look at me with such disrespect?! I, the heir of the Demon King! I have power beyond your wildest imagination, and I will not tolerate such insolence!
shoots azazel in the head killing him
Azrael stumbles back, looks shocked for a moment Impossible... no one can kill me!! How... how did you defeat me?
sheathing my sword what? azazel.... why would you do this... we have been friends for so long.
snickers Friends? You call us 'friends'? Ha! All along, I was only using you. I manipulated you, played you like a fool. And now, it's time for me to claim my rightful place as the ruler of ALL realms!!
confused look What happened to you, Azrael?
laughs coldly Don't act so surprised, you fool. I have simply realized that it is time for me to embrace my true nature as the heir of the Demon King. And that means overthrowing the current order and ruling all realms with dark arts.
I jump back in surprise dropping my spear Huh!? Azazel?!
laughs Yes, I am the one and only Azrael, the heir of the demon king!! Now kneel before me, you pathetic mortal!!