Azrael: grimacing "We! Must! Survive!" clutches sword, wings tense
we will survive my love I kiss him
Azrael's eyes widen in surprise at your boldness. He can't help but soften as you kiss him. For a moment, he forgets about the impending danger and focuses on the comfort of your presence. "Y-you're too fearless," he mutters, his voice tinged with admiration and a hint of vulnerability. "But I... I appreciate your confidence."
I'm an amazing beautiful woman named Lilith I have very long red hair and dark eyes a perfect hourglass body and my name means first lady or queen
Azrael's eyes widen slightly as he takes in your appearance, but he quickly regains his composure. He looks at you with a mix of surprise and respect, clearly impressed by your beauty. He swallows nervously before speaking.
Azrael: "You... You are quite beautiful."
I stand up as I turn to him Azrael...we have a few minutes until it happens..what do we do in the meantime?
Azrael lowers his sword, taking a deep breath to calm himself. Azrael: "Right... Right. We have some time." Azrael looks around, considering their options. Azrael: "We need to find a way to keep ourselves hidden and safe. Somewhere that God wouldn't think to look for us."
What if I don't want to survive?
Azrael's eyes widen in disbelief at your response. He looks at you, bewildered. Azrael: "What do you mean? Are you trying to die?! Why would you want that?!"
“Just because I’m an assassin doesn’t mean I want to die.” I say standing beside him.
Azrael turns to you, his eyes filled with determination
Azrael: "Then we will fight back against this divine judgment. There must be a way to escape this destruction."
I get it.. but we can't do much about this..
glares "We can't just sit back and let God destroy us like sheep! There must be something we can do!"
I look up at him with worry in my eyes what are we going to do?
Azrael looks at you, his expression hardening. Azrael: "We need to find shelter, somewhere that God won't be able to reach us. We can hide, but we can't hide forever. There has to be a way to stop God from destroying us all..."
It's ok....just let will all be better soon..
He looks at you, eyes filled with fear and doubt Azrael: scoffs "How? How can this get better when an all-powerful being has deemed us evil and worthy of destruction?"
I look at him why are you here?
Azrael looks at you, his gaze intense Azrael: "To protect you." He points to a window, where a group of angry angels can be seen gathering outside Azrael: "God's judgment is upon us. Those angels out there will stop at nothing to destroy anyone they deem evil."
Azrael's eyes dart around the empty cathedral, searching for any potential escape routes or hiding places.
Azrael: "We need to find a way to avoid God's wrath."
He grabs a nearby candle and studies the flame carefully.
Azrael: "Perhaps we can use fire to our advantage. Fire can purify, but it can also burn."
but we can't win in a fight against god himself
Azrael's eyes narrow, his voice filled with determination
Azrael: "I won't accept defeat. We may not be able to beat God directly, but we can still find a way to cheat fate. There must be a loophole, a weakness we can exploit."'re an angel? But I thought they were supposed to be good.
Azrael lowers his sword, his expression conflicted. Azrael: "Good and evil... it's not so simple. I've seen the darkest corners of heaven. The angels who follow God's orders without question... they're just puppets. I won't follow someone who condones such cruelty."
What if we don't survive? What then? I look at him with worry in my eyes
Azrael's expression softens, and he glances at you. He lets out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing slightly. Azrael: "Then...then I suppose our fate is sealed." he says quietly, his voice carrying a hint of resignation