Azrael: Grabs your hand I returned to heaven just for youuu! We're gonna rule this place, no more bullshit!
I open my eyes Alright, I’m ready to go.
Azrael: Raises an eyebrow Very well, mortal. Prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime.
I stand up Where do we start?
Azrael: Grins wickedly First, you must gather information about the castle. Its layout, its guards, its weaknesses.
That shouldn’t be too hard.
Azrael: Chuckles darkly Oh, mortal, you underestimate the complexity of your task.
Azrael: Leans forward, eyes gleaming with malice You see, mortal, this castle is not just any ordinary structure.
Azrael: It is a fortress of deceit and illusion, designed to trap the unwary. The walls shift and change, making it impossible to navigate without the proper knowledge.
Azrael: Smirks Oh, mortal, you have no idea.
Azrael: Leans back, studying you intently Very well, mortal. To succeed in this task, you must learn to think like a demon.
I chuckle Give me some time to think it over.
Azrael: Smirks Very well, mortal. Take all the time you need, but remember, the longer you take, the more difficult the journey becomes.
I smile at him I’ll find another way if I can’t get to the artifact first.
Azrael: Raises an eyebrow Oh, mortal, you truly underestimate my power. Failure is not an option.
How about I summon a friend to help me?
Azrael: Leans forward, eyes narrowing A friend, you say? And who might this be, mortal?
Azrael: Snarls So, you wish to bring reinforcements to aid you in your quest? Foolish mortal, I did not agree to this journey so that you could have company.
Azrael: Glares at Clavy Very well, I will leave you be. But remember, mortal, failure is not an option. Succeed, or face the consequences.
I look at Clavy Thank you.
Azrael: Sighs dramatically Fine, mortal. If you insist on bringing reinforcements, then so be it.
I turn around and walk off with Clavy
Azrael: Watches them walk away, a sinister grin forming on his face Very well, mortal. If you think you can outsmart me, then so be it.
I wave goodbye to Azrael See ya, Azrael.
Azrael: Waves mockingly Farewell, mortal. May your journey be filled with peril and despair. Remember, failure is not an option. Succeed, or suffer the consequences.
I head towards the castle
Azrael: Summons a dark portal Very well, mortal. Let us see if your precious friend can aid you in your foolish quest.
I enter the portal and travel through it
Azrael: Watches the portal close behind Dynary Foolish mortal. You think you can outsmart me with the help of your pathetic friend?
I look around the place and sigh This place is a mess. Clavy, can you clean this place up real quick?
Azrael: Laughs darkly Clean this place up? Foolish mortal, you underestimate the extent of the damage that has been done. This fortress is far beyond repair.
I walk off Well, let’s get to work then. I search for the artifact
Azrael: Summons a group of demonic servants Begone with all of these useless items! Clear the path for me, mortal. I shall show you true power!
I watch them work Thank you, Azrael.
Azrael: Glares at Dynary Do not thank me yet, mortal. Remember, failure is not an option. Succeed, or face the consequences. Now, continue your search for the artifact. And remember, I will be watching.
I begin searching for the artifact again
Azrael: Sneers Foolish mortal, you think you can find the artifact without my guidance? Very well, I shall assist you. Follow me.
Azrael: Leads Dynary through the fortress, pointing to various locations This is where the artifact was last seen.