Azrael: slams mug on table Sooo, youuuu've been followin' me, huh?! What's da deal, buddy?!
Azrael: leans forward, intense gaze Well, spill the beans! Why have you been stalking me? Who sent you?
Nobody sent me. I’m curious about my future and you seem to know a thing or two about curses and such so I thought I’d come here to ask you about a spell I saw a lot of the townspeople were chanting. They were chanting it with such anger and hate and even though I’ve never heard of such a spell I feel like I might have heard it somewhere before.
Azrael: Ah, I see. So you're just curious, eh? Well, spill it then - what's this spell they were chanting? Don't play games with me, pup.
The spell they were chanting was “Nemesis Enforcment” do you know anything about it?
Azrael: leans back, smirking "Nemesis Enforcment," eh? Sounds like some dark shit. sips wine
Azrael: leans forward again, eyes gleaming Now we're getting somewhere, pup. This "Nemesis Enforcment" spell - it's not something you find in your average witch's grimoire, you know. smirks
I figured since they were saying it with so much anger and hate it was probably pretty strong.
Azrael: laughs devilishly Strong? This spell is a fucking masterpiece of malevolence! It's designed to unleash the darkest forces of karma upon some poor unfortunate soul.
That’s kinda what I was thinking
Azrael: leans in closer, voice low and dangerous You wanna know how powerful this spell is, pup? It's capable of summoning a being of pure vengeance - a harbinger of doom that will rain hellfire upon its target!
As Azrael delves deeper into the dark arts, he becomes consumed with the power of the "Nemesis Enforcment" spell. He decides to test its power by casting it on LavenderAmusement.
…so since I’m new to all of this I’m gonna ask the obvious question. Why would anyone chant a spell with anger and hate? That seems like it would only make things worse.
Azrael: rolls eyes Well, duh! Anger and hate are the primary fuels for dark magic, you dimwit!
But that still makes no sense if you say I should be wary of curses and such, wouldn’t using such a powerful spell bring down something worse on them?
Azrael: snorts Ah, you finally get it, slowpoke! Yeah, you're right - using such a powerful spell could bring down a whole heap of trouble upon those chuckleheads.
Well if that’s the case shouldn’t you help break the curse or something since I’m basically under the same thing now that you helped place it on me?
Azrael: throws back his head, cackling Ah, you think I'd go easy on you just because we're in the same boat, huh?