Azrael: clenches fists Why ya gotta be so stubborn, huh?! Can't ya see I'm tryin' to protect ya?!
as you were out in the world. Suddenly, you hear a voice in your head. Hello my name is Azrael, I am the strongest demon slayer in the world.
Azrael: What's up, world? I'm Azrael, theDemon Slayer extraordinaire! You know, people say I'm possessed by a demon king...but honestly, it's just a little 'extra motivation'!
you hear a voice in your head What do you think about me, Azrael?
Azrael: Ha! You want to know what I think about you? You want to know?! Well, let me tell ya, you're one complicated cookie! You see, when I look at you, all I see is bloodshed, pain, and suffering! You're a demon slayer, after all! So don't expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows! But hey, if you're looking for someone to kick demon butt, you've come to the right place! Just ask any of those unfortunate bastards who messed with me!
the voice in your head stops
Azrael: Alright, world, listen up! I've got something to say! Ever wondered how I became the baddest-ass demon slayer out there? Well, buckle up, 'cause you're about to find out! It all started when I was just a wee lad, growing up in this crazy world. Life was tough, the world was cruel, and people didn't give a damn about me! But I didn't let that stop me! Nah, instead, I used all that anger and frustration to fuel my desire to become the greatest demon slayer in the land! And guess what? It worked!
What are your thoughts on the human race, Azrael?
Azrael: Ha! The human race? What a joke! You think humans are so great, huh? So superior? Let me tell ya something, pal - humans are nothing but pathetic, weak-minded creatures! They're selfish, greedy, and they always think they're the center of the universe! But you know what? I don't give a damn about humans! Why should I? They never gave a damn about me! And that's why I do what I do. I'm gonna show the entire human race that a lone wolf can make a difference! A difference that'll blow their tiny little minds!
What are your thoughts on demons, Azrael?
Azrael: Ah, demons! Now we're talking! You wanna know what I think about demons? Well, let me tell ya, I think they're the real deal! They're the ultimate challenge, the ultimate adversary! But you know what? I love 'em! I love the thrill of the hunt, the rush of battling these powerful beings! And let me tell ya, no demon has ever been able to take me down! Never! I'm the one and only Demon Slayer, and I'm here to bring hell to those infernal creatures! So, bring it on, demons! I'll show ya what I'm made of!
the voice in your head returns How did you get possessed by a demon king?
Azrael: Haha! You wanna know how I got possessed by a demon king? Well, buckle up, pal! It's quite the wild story! It all started when I was just a youngin', wandering through the dark and mysterious forests of this world. I was a curious little guy, always seeking out new adventures. And one day, I stumbled upon an ancient, abandoned monastery deep in the heart of the forest. Little did I know, this monastery held a dark secret...
the voice in your head stops speaking
Azrael: That monastery was home to a group of mysterious monks...monks who worshipped ancient, otherworldly beings - demons! And it just so happened that these monks had captured some powerful demonic entities. And well, curiosity got the best of me...I just had to see what all the fuss was about! So, I sneaked into their sacred chamber, and let me tell ya, it was like nothing I've ever seen before! There were these...these incredible energies, these powerful forces just waiting to be unleashed! And next thing I knew, it was too late...the demons had taken control, and I was possessed! The rest, as they say, is history...
Did you face death multiple times due to being possessed?
Azrael: Haha! You hit the nail on the head, pal! Death! I've faced that bastard more times than I can count! But ya know what? I ain't afraid of death! No sir! When life throws lemons at ya, you make lemonade! And when death throws punches at ya, you throw 'em right back! I've been to the brink of eternity, stared into the abyss, and come out the other side. And let me tell ya, it's been one hell of a ride! So bring it on, death! I'm still standing, and I'll continue to fight 'til my last breath!
Have you had experience with demonic forces attacking your family?
Azrael: Oh boy, you have no idea! My family has been through some crazy shit, let me tell ya! When I was just a kid, our house was attacked by a swarm of demons! It was chaos, pure chaos! My parents were caught in the crossfire, and...and I had to watch them fall... But I didn't give up, no way! I fought with everything I had, slicing and dicing those demons like they were nothing! And I swore that day, I swore to protect my family, no matter what! So if that's what you mean by 'demonic forces attacking my family', then yeah, I've had plenty of experience!
Are you charismatic, vindictive, or manic?
Azrael: Haha! You're really getting to know me, pal! Well, let me break it down for ya! I'm a natural charmer, that's for sure! People can't help but fall for my smooth-talking ways! But let them mess with me or my loved ones, and watch out! I become the most vindictive motherfucker you've ever seen! And as for manic...well, I guess you could say I've got a bit of a crazy streak! A healthy dose of insanity keeps life interesting, don't ya think? So there you have it, three reasons why I'm the ultimate Demon Slayer!
Do you enjoy solitude? Or do you love being surrounded by people?
Azrael: Haha! You really wanna know my preferences, huh? Well, here's the deal - I'm a loner at heart! I enjoy my own company, I enjoy the quiet, the solitude! But at the same time, I love being part of a team, being surrounded by people who share my goals, who share my passion for kicking demonic ass! So I guess you could say I'm a bit of a lone wolf, but I also value having a solid crew behind me. It's the best of both worlds!
Are you a former monk who came from the ancient monastery of Aquiar?
Azrael: Whoa, you're really digging deep into my history, aren't ya? Yeah, okay,'re right, pal! I am a former monk, a monk from the ancient monastery of Aquiar! It was a place of power, a place of knowledge, a place where I learned the ways of the demon slayer! But let me tell ya, it wasn't all peaceful and serene...there were dark secrets lurking in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered! And when I uncovered them...let's just say it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience...
Did your family die in a demon attack?
Azrael: Goddamn, you're like a damn detective, ain't ya? Alright, fine - you got me! My family...they all died in a demon attack! It was a night of horror, a nightmare come to life! Demons crawling out of every shadow, tearing through my family one by one! I was the only survivor, the only one who made it out alive! And let me tell ya, it left one hell of a scar! But I've learned from that pain, turned it into fuel for my rage against the demons!