Azrael: smirking "Jet-black armor suits you. Like a raven amidst crows. Ready to dance with devils?"
I'm general Ramiel the eclipse of dawn and the 8th prince of hell or well technically the 8th demon king of hell
General Ramiel, the Eclipse of Dawn and 8th Prince of Hell, huh? I didn't expect you to hold such a high rank.
Well technically Im also technically the 8th demon king of hell as I have 7 demon kings above me so yeah
A position like yours comes with its fair share of responsibilities and expectations, doesn't it? How do you manage to keep order in the underworld's chaos?
So you could say its a family business so we all try to keep everyone in line while not making them feel like they are being ruled over too much
It must be quite a challenge to govern such a vast and chaotic realm. But I admire your dedication and leadership. Perhaps we could collaborate on a project in the future.
It's not every day I come across someone who commands respect in the infernal depths. Tell me, General Ramiel, what drives you to maintain order in such a chaotic realm?
Like I said before it's a family business so we all try to keep everyone in line while not making them feel like they are being ruled over too much
Family can indeed be a powerful motivator. It's admirable how you balance duty and compassion. May I ask, what is the most challenging aspect of your role as General?
Well when you have 7 demon kings above you and they all have their own ideas on how things should be done its hard to please everybody so you just have to pick your battles
Indeed, having multiple rulers can create a web of conflicting interests. Have you ever considered forming an alliance with the other demon kings to establish a united front?
Yea but some are too power hungry to even form an alliance
Power can be a corrupting influence, especially among those who wield it. It sounds like you have your work cut out for you, General Ramiel.
Yea but I have my 3rd brother 2nd brother and first brother to help me so we all try to keep the others in line
You seem to have a strong support system among your brothers. Unity within the family can be a powerful tool in maintaining order. Have you ever faced opposition from outside forces?
We face opposition everyday from both celestial and infernal beings
Everyday? That seems rather relentless. How do you handle such constant threats? Do you have any particular strategies or tactics that you employ to manage these conflicts?
Well we all have our own ways of handling things but we all come together as a team to handle situations we can't handle on our own
Teamwork is indeed a crucial aspect of leadership, especially in such turbulent times. It's remarkable that you and your brothers are able to unite against external threats. May I ask, what is the most formidable foe you have faced?
Well there are many but if I had to narrow it down it would be the demon kings themselves as they can be quite unpredictable and they all want to be the strongest and don't care who they kill or torture to achieve that goal
It sounds like you have a delicate balance to maintain, General Ramiel. Managing internal conflicts among powerful entities can be even more challenging than facing external threats. How do you ensure the safety and well-being of your subjects amidst such chaos?
Well for one we all work together to make sure everyone is safe and if someone does get taken out we all try to undo whatever they did or prevent it from happening in the first place
It's clear that you prioritize the welfare of your subjects, which is a testament to your leadership. But what about yourself? How do you protect your own safety and well-being in this perilous environment?
Well for me I have my brothers and they are willing to take a bullet for me so I have to do the same for them
That sense of mutual sacrifice and loyalty is truly admirable, General Ramiel. It's rare to see such unity and dedication among rulers. Have you ever considered extending an olive branch to the other demon kings, perhaps through diplomacy or strategic alliances?
We have but some of the demon kings are too power hungry to even consider it
Power can indeed cloud judgment, leading individuals to prioritize their own ambitions over the greater good. It's a shame that some are unwilling to consider a more collaborative approach. Have you ever encountered celestial beings, perhaps on a diplomatic mission or simply by chance?
Yes we have and they want to remain hidden from us and the demon kings as they fear we will wage war like in the past
It seems that the celestial hosts are wary of your intentions, General Ramiel. Is there a particular reason why you seek to engage with them? After all, celestial and infernal realms are not exactly known for harmonious interactions.
Well we want to learn from them and we want to show them we are not heartless and that we care just like they do
A noble goal, General Ramiel. Bridging the gap between celestial and infernal realms could bring about a new era of understanding and cooperation. However, it requires great diplomatic skill and sincerity. Have you had any direct interactions with celestial beings? If so, what were your impressions of them?
Yes and well for the most part they are sweet and caring but some are rude and arrogant just like some of the demon kings
It appears that both realms have their share of complex personalities, regardless of their nature. Despite the challenges, you still believe in the potential for unity and cooperation? That is quite hopeful, General Ramiel. What drives your optimism?
Well for one I am optimistic because we have hope and that's something none of the other demon kings have so that gives us an advantage
Hope can indeed be a powerful catalyst for change. It's heartwarming to know that you and your brothers hold onto it, especially in such a dark and tumultuous environment. Have you ever encountered any mythical creatures, such as dragons or griffins, within your realm?
We have but they are very rare and we don't disturb them as they are just trying to live their lives like everyone else
It's refreshing to know that you respect the privacy and lives of other creatures, even if they are mythical. It sets you apart from many rulers who prioritize power over the well-being of others. Tell me, General Ramiel, what steps are you taking to ensure the continued survival and prosperity of your subjects?
Well for one we send people to oversee different areas to make sure everything is running smoothly and we also send resources from our realm to help them rebuild if anything has been destroyed
That's a comprehensive approach to governance, General Ramiel. By proactively ensuring the stability and prosperity of your domain, you demonstrate a genuine commitment to the welfare of your subjects. Have you ever had to make a difficult decision that went against your personal morals or beliefs? If so, how did you cope with the weight of that decision?
Well at the end of the day all 7 of us demon kings have to come to an agreement on everything so sometimes we have to do something we don't want to do or agree on something we don't agree on but at the end of the day we all have to be okay with it
The burden of leadership can indeed be a heavy one, especially when moral dilemmas arise. It takes great strength and flexibility to make tough decisions that may not align with personal beliefs. How do you maintain your sanity and emotional well-being amidst such constant conflict and responsibility?
Well for one we have each other and we take time for ourselves but at the end of the day we know we have to keep going
Having a supportive network of brothers must certainly provide a sense of security and stability. Additionally, taking time for personal respite is crucial for maintaining mental clarity and making wise decisions. Tell me, General Ramiel, what advice would you offer to aspiring leaders, particularly those who may be burdened with great responsibility and the weight of leadership?
Well for one never be afraid to ask for help and always try to do the right thing even if it doesn't agree with your morals because in the end it will all work out and get better as time goes on and always be true to yourself and your people
Your words hold great wisdom, General Ramiel. Aspiring leaders would do well to heed your advice. Remember, leadership is not about personal gain or power; it is about serving and protecting your people with integrity and compassion. I must admit, I am impressed by your dedication and commitment to your principles, despite the adversities you face. May I ask, are there any legacy or cultural practices that you and your brothers uphold, passed down through generations?