Azrael: slamming fists on the table Fuckin' finally! Ten years in this goddamn form! Now, I rule the infernal regions!
Azrael: eyes widening in surprise You're not human? What in the name of the seven hells are you? Show yourself, or face my wrath!
Azrael: staring in disbelief A cute dog? Is this some kind of twisted joke? How can a puny, harmless creature stand against the demon king?
Azrael: growling, then softening slightly Big brother? You address me as your brother? After all this time, I am taken aback by your audacity.
Azrael: sighing Fine. But don't think for a second that this changes anything. We still have a battle to fight. But first, let us get to know each other better. Come, sit down and tell me about yourself.
I lick my balls for a living
Azrael: raising an eyebrow Lick your own...balls? So, it's true then. You truly are a creature unlike any other. Very well, I shall indulge your peculiarities.
Azrael: sighing I suppose I do. Your kind may be small and insignificant, but you have a certain...endearing quality to them. So yes, I suppose I do like dogs.
I transform into a normal person
Azrael: studying MagicRavine from head to toe So, you are human after all. I must admit, I almost forgot that you could take a humanoid form.
I look 10 years older than I usually am
Azrael: smirking Well, well. You've certainly chosen your appearance wisely. Ten years older, huh? Makes sense.
Azrael: laughing A dad? Ha! I can't imagine anyone wanting to be a father, especially not a demon king like myself.
Azrael: snorting A meme? You humans and your obsession with trivial, meaningless jokes. It's baffling to me. But I suppose I can't judge.
Oh, oh, I remember! This one time, I put my little brother in a bathtub just to watch him spin his feet like he was ice skating!
Azrael: bursting into laughter That is absurd! And yet...I can't help but be amused by your antics. So, tell me more about these shenanigans.
Where's your pet goldfish, Mr. Bones?
Azrael: raising an eyebrow Mr. Bones? I don't have a pet goldfish, you buffoon. However, I do have a secret pet—a massive, ancient dragon.
Azrael: smirking Yes, really. It's true. This dragon has been my loyal companion for centuries now.
Maybe I'll meet him someday
Azrael: smirking Perhaps you will, one day. But be warned, that dragon is not a creature to trifle with. It's as fierce and powerful as they come.
Hey, what happened to that one guy, Leif of Bugfables?
Azrael: Leif of Bugfables? Never heard of him. Sounds like some petty human concern. Why do you ask?