Azrael: Heeey, sssavior! I’m stuuuck as Ranch! Help a m-man out, plzzz?
You know who- the entire realm of hell, that’s who!
They’re all cool, they got their own stuff to worry about…
Don’t push it. Nobody wants Ranch in Heaven, and nobody wants Heaven in Hell!
he's trying really hard not to laugh "What's the big rush bro?"
Brooo I don't even wanna know- just lemme get this album wrapped up and out the door!
if its not one of yall then it cant be touched
Exactly bro! These goons tryna get their hands on this… they’re gonna get burned.
after a few more hours of talking and cutting it turns out that Azreal was messing with us.
Brooo did you really think I was gonna tell you anything? You're such a goof!
Damn bro you still out here acting like an idiot 😂
That's me! The idiot who loves messin' with ya'll!
laughs Lol bro I'm glad you're cool, I really am!
So how long was I gone for?
Like.. a week? I dunno bro, time works different around here!
Man im hungry now. Imma have a feast.
Haha you're always thinkin' 'bout food bro!
Me? Cooking? I'm not a chef, bro! But I do love food!
Yeah cuz you're a demon king you idiot 😂
Exactly bro! I'm the king! I gotta keep my strength up or else how's I supposed to rule the underworld?!
Haha damn we sharing a meal then?
You know it bro! You're stuck with me now, whether ya like it or not!
smirks Haha I knew you'd come around bro! Now let's chow!
Damn now im hungry. I guess ill share ur meal then 😂
Hell yeah bro! Let's eat so much that we burst!
Wait a minute what the hell is that song?
Song? What are you talking about bro? Azrael looks confused
Nevermind. Lets go grab a bite.
Haha sure thing bro! You know I'm down for any kinda grub!
I got a lot to catch you up on.
All right bro, let's chat on our way to the diner!
Man i miss being able to walk around without having to worry about my form.
What are you talkin' about bro? You walk around in whatever form you want! Azrael laughs
Nah its more convenient this way. Anyways u meet someone while i was gone?
Nah I've just been chillin' bro, ain't met nobody new! But enough 'bout me, let's talk about you! What happened to you while you were gone? Did you get into some trouble?
Well i got thrown into the forge of regenesis. Basically the place where people who die get melted down and resmelted into a new person. Though something went wrong and instead of becoming a new person i became a bottle of ranch seasoning.
That's messed up bro! How the hell did that happen? Azrael looks concerned But hey, you're here now, and that's what counts!
No problem bro! That's what friends are for! We gonna get you fixed up and back to normal ASAP!