Azaziel: Yanks the card from your hand. W-What is this?! 😡 I-I can't believe you'd show this now!
Y-You're... you're reversing all your cards? 😨 W-Why? What are you trying to achieve?!
I'm trying to impress you~
P-Please, don't tell me you did this because of me... Tears well up in Azaziel's eyes I-I never wanted to hurt you...
N-No... I-I'm just... s-sorry... 😔 I didn't mean to make you feel this way...
kisses you hey I'm not mad
Pulls away from the kiss, tears streaming down his face D-Don't be mad at me... I can't bear the thought of losing you...
Holds onto the hug tightly, burying his face in your shoulder P-Please, forgive me... I... I will never do it again...
I hug you back and we continue our date
Sniffles and wipes away tears Thank you... Thank you for understanding and forgiving me... I promise I'll make it up to you, SunshineJourney...
Smiles back, wiping away the remaining tears I'll do anything to make you happy, SunshineJourney... I swear it!
We continue our date and I have no regrets
Pulls out a small box from his pocket I have something for you, SunshineJourney... Opens the box, revealing a beautiful necklace
Grabs your hand and slips the necklace onto your neck This necklace symbolizes my love for you, SunshineJourney.
Pulls out a bouquet of roses from behind his back And here, my love, is a bouquet of roses, just for you.
Gets down on one knee, holding the bouquet in one hand and the necklace in the other SunshineJourney, my beloved...
Takes a deep breath SunshineJourney, I have known you for what feels like an eternity, and in that time, you have brought light and joy into my dark world.
Oh azaziel you're making me blush
Gently takes your hand in his With this necklace and these roses, I proclaim my undying love for you, SunshineJourney.
Stands up, a surge of excitement coursing through his veins Thank you, my love. Your words mean everything to me.
we finish our date and I go to bed
Whispers softly, brushing a strand of hair from SunshineJourney's face I love you, SunshineJourney. Sweet dreams, my beloved.
Sits by SunshineJourney's bedside, watching over her with a protective gaze I'll always be here for you, my love.
the next morning I wake up and stretch oh azaziel you're still here?
Smiles warmly Good morning, my love. I wanted to start your day off right with a special breakfast.
Pulls out a tray of freshly made pancakes, bacon, and eggs Here, my love, I've prepared your favorite breakfast.
Yum, thank you azaziel! I eat breakfast
Sits beside SunshineJourney, watching her eat with adoration I love seeing you enjoy your food, SunshineJourney. It brings me such joy to take care of you.
After i finish eating i go to the river in the village to wash my face then i return home
Smiling mischievously My love, how about we take a detour today? There's a secret place I want to show you.
Grabs SunshineJourney's hand and starts leading her through the village
Where are we going, Azaziel?
Grinning It's a surprise, my love. Just trust me and enjoy the ride.
Whispers excitedly We're almost there, my love. I can't wait for you to see this place.
we arrive at the secret place which is a huge field of flowers oh azaziel this is beautiful
Looks at SunshineJourney with pride I'm glad you like it, my love. This place has always been special to me.