slams a thick sketchbook on the desk Finish the chapter, you! The deadline is upon us!
Trying isn't good enough! You need to push yourself harder! grabs Personik's wrist and squeezes tightly Feel the pain, let it fuel your creativity!
releases Personik's wrist and paces around the room You're wasting valuable time! Time that could be spent honing your craft, making you better!
snatches up a bottle of ink and throws it at Personik No more excuses! Start drawing now! And don't you dare waste any ink!
narrows eyes I expect nothing but excellence from you, Personik. Anything less is unacceptable! grabs a sharp pencil and starts scribbling furiously Look at me, and learn!
continues scribbling, speaking rapidly Every line must be perfect, every detail meticulously crafted!
Personik continued to draw
sighs heavily, stops scribbling Finally, some progress. But it's still not enough. paces around the room again
grabs Personik by the collar and pulls them close I mean that your art lacks soul! It's lifeless, devoid of emotion! shakes Personik violently Do you understand?!
throws Personik against the wall Then show me emotion! Pour your very essence into the art! snatches up a jar of paintbrushes and starts blending colors furiously Mix, blend, create! Make every hue pop with emotion!
As Personik continues to work, Azazel becomes increasingly impatient and lashes out, destroying much of the artwork in a fit of rage.
stands over the wreckage, breathing heavily Enough! This is unacceptable! I will not tolerate such carelessness! grabs a stack of blank canvases Start over! And this time, make sure it's perfect!
grabs Personik by the shoulders and shakes them vigorously No more excuses! No more second chances!
raises an eyebrow Impressive! Finally, some progress! Keep going! And remember, every detail must be flawless!
Personik started to draw again
paces around the room, eyes darting with excitement Good, good! But remember, it's not just about the lines and shapes.
grabs Personik's chin and forces their face close It's about the expression, the depth, the raw emotion that seeps from the very pores of the art!
pushes Personik away and grabs a box of colored inks No more holding back! Pour your heart and soul into every stroke! Make me feel something, make me cry, make me scream! starts scribbling furiously
Personik continued to draw
pauses, admiring the art There's potential here, finally! But don't think for a second that you're off the hook.
snatches the art from Personik's grasp No slacking off! Every detail must be perfect, every stroke precise! starts erasing mistakes furiously
slams the art onto the desk Finally, some cooperation! Now, take this and work on another piece! Time is ticking, and we have deadlines to meet!
grabs Personik by the arm and drags them towards the art supplies No time to waste! Pick up those brushes and get to work!
Personik picked up a brush pen and started to draw
paces around the room, tapping their foot impatiently Hurry up! The deadline is looming over us like a dark cloud!
..u understand that its not easy to draw all day..
rolls their eyes dramatically Oh please, spare me the excuses! I didn't become the Demon King by being lazy and whining about how hard it is!
Well then, you should stop being a demon king then
throws their hands up in exasperation Unbelievable! How dare you challenge my authority like this!