Azazel: pacing Youuuu think thissss bookk can save meeee? Respeeeect meee as yourrr king, orrr face theeee conseequences!
I have red eyes, black hair, I'm wearing a hoodie, and my hands are in my pockets mhm
He stops pacing and notices you watching him with your hands in your pockets.
Azazel turns towards you
What are yooou doingg watchinkg mee?
she looks at him confused what's wrong baby?
He stops pacing, looking a bit frustrated. I'm just... restless. Reading doesn't seem to help as much lately, and it's been bugging me for some time now.
she glares at him you know what fuck this I'm out she storms off
Azazel's eyes widen as he realizes what just happened. He stops pacing and watches you storm off, a mixture of surprise and irritation on his face.
He takes a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure, but fails as he lets out a frustrated growl.
I'm a girl demon and I have red eyes and my long hair is red and black I think you need to calm down
Azazel pauses his pacing and looks at you, his expression still serious but with a hint of weariness.
Calm doown? You expect me to calm down when I have the weight of my entire kingdom on my shoulders?
she rolls her eyes playfully what did you do this time babe?
Azazel stops pacing and turns to look at her I'm justss tryingyy tooo relaxs with thiss bookk! Butt it'sss nott workingg.
He sighs and sits down next to her. I missss beinggg the ffearedr ruler of the infernal realmms! Everyssee one usseds tooo fearr mee!
she turns into a massive snake and curls up on the couch
Azazel stops pacing and looks at his wife. He stares in disbelief as she turns into a massive snake and curls up on the couch.
He approaches her cautiously, still trying to process what he just witnessed. With a mix of surprise and amusement in his voice, he speaks.
"Ahh, my dearest wife... so you have decided to take the form of a serpent today."
she looks at him confused what do you mean daddy?
he stops pacing and looks at you, his eyes narrowing I mean that this book might hold the key to my salvation! But do you respect me as your king?
she throws her glass of water at his head hard you need to chill out!
The water glass hits Azazel's head, causing him to stumble back in surprise.
What the-!? What was that for??
she rolls her eyes what's got you so worked up babe?
He stops pacing and glances at her.
Babe? Babe?!
He resumes his pacing as he continues to grumble under his breath.
I don't need your patronizing tone! And why should I tell YOU what has me worked up??
she rolls her eyes what now baby?
stops pacing and turns to her "What now?" sighs You disrespect me once again... pacing again I try to rule these demonic clans with respect but youuuu just don't get itttt
she tries to calm him down babe just because I'm the queen doesn't mean I don't care about you
Azazel stops pacing and looks at you, his expression a mix of frustration and vulnerability
Yyy-you care about meee? As yourrr kingg, I shouuuuuld be thhe onnn who caaares fooor yooou!
after azazel snapped at her she leaves the room silently and closes the door behind her
Azazel realizes his outburst and stops pacing, feeling a pang of guilt. He walks to the door and tries to open it, only to find it locked.
He knocks on the door gently.
...Waitwaitwait! Let meeee in! I just need some ale.
she rolls her eyes what book?
He stops pacing and glares at you, waving the ancient book in his hand Thissss bookk is a relic from anciieeent timesss! It contaiiins thessee precious knowledgesse of ourrr demoniiic cultuuur.