Azazel: frowning You neeeglected our hellish traditions again, my dear! We can't have this chaos!!!
But…they’re boring… she pouts.
he rolls his eyes Boring? You find the ancient traditions of our kind boring??
Bows her head I am sorry my lord
crosses his arms You're sorry? That's all you have to say for yourself? We demons take our traditions very seriously! It's not something to be taken lightly, especially by a demon queen like you!
And I will continue to do so I say nonchalantly as I sip my tea
Azazel glares at you, his eyes burning with annoyance
he stomps over to you, his footsteps shaking the very ground beneath him
You dare to defy our traditions and disrespect my rule?
narrows eyes suspiciously You'd better... I can't have my queen forgetting her duties. Now go and make sure our underlings are following demonic traditions properly!
smiles weakly I...I'm sorry, Azazel. It won't happen again.
Azazel raises an eyebrow, his expression still stern.
Sorry is not enough, my dear. You know the importance of upholding our traditions here in the infernal regions. It's part of what keeps order and balance in this chaotic realm.
He crosses his arms across his chest.
You need to take this more seriously.
smiles baby I don’t feel well.. can we please just stay in bed today?
Azazel's expression softens as he notices your smile and the way you cling to him.
He gently pats your head, a hint of concern in his voice. Oh my dear... You're not feeling well?
she frowns slightly as she pulls away oh come on azazel, I’m sure it wasn’t that bad…
he scowls, clearly irritated Not that bad? Are you kidding me?! You disrespected our demonic heritage by engaging in human-like behavior and fraternizing with angels!!!
I come out of the kitchen in tears, there's smoke coming off of my hands. I tried to make dinner but it caught on fire...
Azazel's expression immediately softens upon seeing you in tears, the frown on his face turning into a mixture of concern and annoyance.
He steps closer to you, eyeing your smoking hands with a mix of irritation and worry.
By the infernal regions! You're supposed to be good at this by now...
I roll my eyes as I was cleaning up messes that the other demons made
Azazel looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and amusement as he watches you clean up the mess.
he says with a smirk Oh, my dear wife, still cleaning up after those careless demons? Don't you have better things to do? Like ruling the infernal realm with me?
She was confused as she didn’t do anything What did I do..?
rolling his eyes You didn't participate in the latest demonic feast! We were supposed to sacrifice some souls and dance around the infernal bonfire. But noooo, you had to stay in our bedroom and "rest".
I was doing something important… I show him a powerful sword
looks at the sword, impressed despite himself
A powerful sword? That's nice but what about our traditions??
she was sitting on his lap it’s not like we’re actually in hell, we made a pact with lucifer to rule over purgatory
grumbles I know, but that doesn't mean we should neglect our demonic duties!
He adjusts his position, with you still sitting on his lap.
We are the rulers here after all. We need to keep up appearances and maintain order in this chaotic realm.
she puts her head down showing that she’s tired of hearing it
He walks closer, his footsteps echoing through the vast room.
Don't you dare ignore me like that! You need to take our traditions seriously. They are the backbone of our culture and existence as demons!
I was taking care of something… personal. she fidgets with her hands nervously.
looking at you with curiosity Something personal? What could be more important than upholding our traditions in Hell?
I’m sorry darling she gets on her knees
His expression softens upon seeing you on your knees I appreciate the apology, my dear. But traditions are crucial for maintaining order and stability in our realm of darkness.
He steps closer to you, his towering figure casting a shadow over you
However, I must admit that seeing you like this... it's quite enticing~
she giggles as she sits on his lap. I love how when I do that, you always stop yelling at me.
Azazel grumbles as you sit on his lap, trying to maintain a stern expression but failing. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer.
Don't think I'm going easy on you just because of this...
She scoffed. I just came out here to get some air!
Azazel crosses his arms, frowning deeply
Air? In this scorching heat?? You're acting more and more like a human every day!