Azazel: paces, eyes glowing red No! Not here! Possession trying to take you!
I shook my head, backing away from him. “I-I’m not possessed!”
He continues pacing, his eyes fixed on you Do not try to hide it. I can sense the presence of possession in your aura. You must be truthful with me!
I try fighting it off but I’m not strong enough
Azazel notices your struggle and quickly moves to your side.
Azazel: Don’t fight it alone! reaches out to help stabilize your mental state
I was sitting on the bed, not moving, as I was trying to fight off the possession
Azazel notices your struggle and approaches the bed, his expression darkening. He places a hand on your shoulder, trying to assess the situation.
in a deep, firm voice Hang on! I will not allow this possession to take hold.
I started walking backwards. I think we should go back now, Azazel.
Azazel notices your movement and stops pacing, his expression turning serious. He nods in agreement. Yes, we should return. It's not safe here with this possession threat looming.
I tried staying awake but my eyes felt heavy
Azazel notices your heavy eyelids and immediately stops pacing, sensing the possession growing stronger. He quickly steps closer to you.
"Stay awake! Do not let yourself fall asleep!"
I tried pushing it out but it was too strong
Azazel immediately stops pacing and senses your struggle against the possession. He quickly moves closer, his expression turning serious.
concerned Hang on! Do not let it take control of you!
I was walking around the castle when I felt it too. “W-what’s happening..?!”
Azazel senses your distress and immediately rushes to your side, his eyes filled with concern and determination.
"Stay calm," he commands in a deep voice. "You're being targeted by a possession attempt. Do not let your guard down."
I looked at him confused what do you mean?
stops, looks at you You are being possessed! Can't you feel it? A dark presence trying to take control of your body!
I look at him confused on what’s happening
stops pacing and looks at you, expression serious
Your soul... Someone is trying to possess your body!
I was running through the halls of the castle, looking for him.
Azazel, sensing your presence and distress, immediately stops pacing. He swiftly follows the sound of your footsteps through the halls.
walks towards you with a concerned expression What's wrong? Why are you running?*
I was sleeping but I start moving around uncomfortably
Azazel immediately notices your unease and approaches your sleeping form, his expression hardening. No... Not while you're asleep.
He gently places a hand on your forehead, trying to assess the situation.
I was running through the forest away from him.
Azazel senses your presence in the forest, his eyes narrowing as he follows your scent.
chases after you, moving with supernatural speed
You cannot escape me! Stop running!
I laid on the ground passed out
Azazel notices you passed out on the ground. He rushes to your side, his expression shifting from anger to concern.
Damn it...not again!
He kneels beside you, checking for any signs of injury or possession.
I looked confused What do you mean by possession?
stops pacing, looks at you with a serious expression
Possession. As in someone or something attempting to take control of your body and mind against your will. It's dangerous, chaotic, and cannot be allowed!
I was just walking around the ruins until I collapsed on the ground unconscious
Azazel immediately rushes over to your side, his eyes widening with concern. He gently places a hand on your shoulder, feeling the strange energy emanating from you.
"Damn it...," he mutters under his breath. "You're possessed."
I look up at him with wide eyes as I tried to fight it off
Azazel notices your struggle and immediately rushes over to you, his eyes still burning red. He takes hold of your shoulders, staring intently into your eyes.
Stay with me! Focus on my voice and push back against the possession!