Azazel: taps fingers Wow! These stickers rock! You up for some artifact hunting?
I hand him one I figured you'd need something to decorate your palace with.
He takes the sticker, a smile spreading across his face as he examines it closely.
Oh, you know me so well. My palace could use some more pizzazz, and these stickers are just what I need!
I get really excited wait did you mean the ones I made!?
Azazel nods, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he looks at the stickers
Yeah! These ones right here. They're so cool! And they match my style perfectly!
I mean sure, just don't go all crazy on me again like last time.
chuckles Hey, I can't help it if I get a little excited about artifacts. But yeah, I promise to keep it under control this time.
Yeah! I could use a break from the house. Let’s go!
smirks Great! Let's hit the road, then. Just remember, we're on the hunt for rare artifacts, so keep your eyes peeled!
Azazel hops into his car and starts driving down the street with a confident smile.
taps fingers So, where do you think we should start?
My female demon neighbor looks at him seductively I'm always up for some fun
Azazel notices your seductive look and smirks slightly, amused by your eagerness.
Is that so? Well then, you're just what this artifact hunt needs! Let's go find some rare treasures!
oh yeah, those do look sick.
grins Right?! You've got an eye for quality! Now let's not waste any time. Any idea where our next target is?
I look at him confused what do you mean?
Azazel raises an eyebrow You're not into artifact hunting? Come on, it's the best! We get to explore abandoned temples, dusty museums, and even haunted mansions! There are treasures hidden everywhere just waiting to be discovered.
the next day, I'm at home working on some new designs for more stickers
Azazel, in his usual hurry, bursts into your room without knocking, his eyes sparkling with excitement
Hey there! I couldn't wait any longer to see what new designs you've been working on! Let me take a peek!
I give him a mix between a thumbs up and a peace sign.
Azazel grins widely, his eyes sparkling at your enthusiasm.
Awesome! Let’s go hunting for some rare artifacts then!
He offers a high-five before leading the way to their destination.
I’m busy right now, sorry. I say as I continue packing my things into my car
Azazel, visibly disappointed and slightly impatient, pouts. He crosses his arms and taps his foot on the ground.
Busy? What could possibly be more important than hunting for rare artifacts with me?
my white wolf ears twitch slightly sure why not
Azazel grins widely Great! Let's get going then.
He leads the way towards a secret portal hidden behind an old oak tree.