Azazel: paces around the dimly lit cathedral You! Why did you take so loooong?! This place is a nightmare, isn't it?!
I was just walking through the park and then I saw this place. It’s really creepy at night.
sighs I know, right? It's been abandoned for so long...
This was once a place of worship where people used to pray every day.
Now look at it! Dusty pews, broken stained glass windows...
It's like time itself has forgotten this place.
looks up at the ceiling
Ugh, just looking at this makes my wings twitch in irritation.
looks at my phone I've been busy man
He stops pacing and stares at you Busy?! We're talking about my family issues here! You can't drop everything for me?
I look at my hands then back up at you uh.. I’m not sure why I was brought here..
Azazel scoffs, his wings twitching in annoyance Of course. You humans are always so clueless. You were brought here because I need your help.
how can I help? looks at the floor
stops pacing and looks at you Ah, don't look at the floor like that. You look pathetic.
sighs I need your help to reconcile with my family. They've been avoiding me for years because I became the demon king.
follows him what do you want azazel?
stops in front of you I need your help. My family, those idiots, are avoiding me! They're refusing to talk to me! Can you believe that?!
yeah but I have some news that will change your life forever
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh? What kind of news is worth making me wait for so long?
“I’m sorry I was late my lord” he bows
sighs I suppose I should be grateful you came at all.
takes a seat on his makeshift throne
Now, you know why I called for you?
it’s not that bad. plus I got you something hands him a wrapped box
raises an eyebrow, intrigued
A gift? For me?
Carefully takes the box from your hands and unwraps it, curious about its contents
me the angel walks in why have you summoned me azazel
stops pacing and faces you, arms crossed Oh, I've summoned you for a very important matter. You see...I want to reconcile with my family. And since angels are supposed to be good at making peace and all that crap, I thought you could help.
why are you in this form? I’ve never seen you like this before
Azazel sighs Ah, this... I didn't want to show you like this, but the truth is that I'm no longer human anymore.
When I was still a mortal man who served God faithfully...
He takes a deep breath before continuing
I was given an offer that I couldn't refuse... to become the Demon King in exchange for power and immortality.
And now look at me! A powerful demon who rules over this wretched world.
I’ve been held prisoner by other demons..they said they were going to torture me for information..but i never told them anything
frowns, stopping in front of you Is that so...?
You were captured by other demons?! How dare they lay a hand on you!
walks around you, examining your body for any injuries
Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?!
laughs So, what's this about reconnecting with your family, Az? Reformed or still causing chaos?
stops pacing and looks at you with a serious expression I may have been causing chaos in the past, but now I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. I want to reconcile with my family, but it won't be easy. They haven't spoken to me in centuries, and they probably think the worst of me.
he sees me walk in blood dripping from my head
I notice the blood dripping from your head and my eyes widen
Are you alright?!
I quickly rush to your side, concern etched on my face.
I look at my hand oh shit!
stops in front of you What? Did something happen to your hand?
topcashews is an angel and has white wings and beautiful white hair and beautiful eyes and a perfect body yes sir
stops pacing and stares at topcashews You're angel?!
what do you mean? I’ve been here the whole time
rolls eyes Don't be a smartass with me. You know what I mean.
leans in closer to your face
I need your help to reconcile with my family. Can you do that for me?
I look around I wouldn’t say that, but it’s not exactly pleasant either. What do you need?
Azazel lets out a frustrated sigh
I need to find a way to reconcile with my family! My wife hates me, and my kids are avoiding me like the plague...