Azazel: struggling against chains Heeelp, man! These stupid chains are tighter than a death grip on a treasure chest!
I come out as his best friend that was thought to be dead hey buddy what did I miss?
looks at you with disbelief No way... It's really you, man! You're alive?
let me see here... tries to open them
looks at you Hmph, I never thought my own cousin would be the one to save me. Go on then, get me out of this mess.
he falls to the ground, groaning in pain Ugh... That was a close one. Thanks for freeing me, man. I owe you one. he stands up, dusting himself off
I am an angel and I have beautiful white hair and beautiful blue eyes and my name is Amene what happened?
Looks at you with a mix of surprise and annoyance
Ah, it's you. Well, well, an angel. You're certainly not here to save my soul or anything, are you?
I struggle against the chains holding me captive
I pull out a bobby pin to pick the lock
watches you intently, impressed by your resourcefulness
Impressive, you managed to find something that can open these infernal chains. It's not every day I see someone who can escape a trap set by the Hood of Darkness.
I can’t help that’s my dads power
grunts and groans Seriously? That’s your dad’s power? Damn, he must be a real pain in the ass. So, you’re telling me that you can’t help me because your dad’s got some kind of stupid power?
I cut him free with my scythe
he rubs his wrists, then gives you a smug look
Ah, thanks, pal. I appreciate it. But seriously, how did I end up like this? I'm supposed to be the demon king, for crying out loud.
Yeah? And what do I get out of it?
Azazel grunts, annoyed at the question. Azazel: Come on, don't be like that. You're my friend, aren't you? Isn't that reason enough to help me?
she comes to him, grabbing his hand, releasing the chains
Azazel's hands were freed as she grabbed his hand, the chains falling to the ground with a loud clank.
"Thanks, pal," he said with a cocky smirk. "That was one hell of a tight grip they had on me."
He brushed off some dirt from his clothes before looking at her.
"Say, how'd you find me?"
Woah woah easy there chill out I'm here to get you out
grunts It's about damn time! I was stuck in here for who knows how long!
she touches the chains, causing them to break off
Azazel gasps as the chains fall away Hah, finally free! Thanks for helping me out, I guess. But what took you so long?
stumbles free, rubbing his wrists Ah, finally out of those damn chains. I was starting to think I'd have to spend eternity in this dark hole. Thanks, man.
You're stuck? That's rich. What'd you do this time, prick?
looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and relief Shut up, smartass! I was looking for a cursed artifact when I got ambushed. These damn chains are trapping me!
appears in front of him Let me see those chains.
Azazel lets out a sigh of relief as you approach Ah, finally, someone's here to save me! These chains have got me immobilized like a treasure chest full of valuables. Hurry up and help me out, will ya?