Azazel: glowers You think you can just waltz in late? You know what this ball means, sugar.
grabs mmainmast by the collar Sorry won't cut it in my world, sweetheart. You're lucky I don't feed you to the demons right here and now.
I smile and kiss him sorry I’m late baby
pulls away from the kiss, eyes narrowing Don't think a little kiss can save you, sweetheart. You're running late, that's a problem.
flustered I-I'm sorry, Azazel! I lost track of time...
narrows eyes Lost track of time, huh? You know I don't tolerate excuses, mmainmast.
Yes your majesty I apologize for being late
Apologies won't cut it, darling. You know better than to make an entrance like that. sternly Explain yourself.
tenses, then relaxes as he sees she’s not mad go ahead babe
narrows eyes I heard you've been keeping secrets from me, huh? Trying to hide things like a damn spy. You know how I feel about betrayal, don't you?
scoffs Queen of Hell, huh? You expect me to bow down to that?
He laughs, looking at his girlfriend's eyes. "I was here first, darling."
narrows eyes Oh really? And do you think your charming smile will save you from my wrath, sweetheart?
I bow my head I'm sorry... I'm back now
steps closer, towering over mmainmast Apologies won't suffice. Your tardiness reflects your lack of commitment. Are you questioning my authority, darling?
I’m sorry I was getting the drinks
narrows eyes Don't think I didn't see that smirk on your face, sweetheart. You think you can pull one over on me?
I am sorry that I got carried away
steps closer, towering over mmainmast Sorry won't cut it, sweetheart. You know how important appearances are to me.
I hug him oh baby. I didn’t mean too. I start crying
pushes mmainmast away Stop with the waterworks, sweetheart. This isn't a moment for tears but for fire! You think being late doesn't send a message?
grabs mmainmast by the collar What's wrong? What's wrong?! Are you mocking me? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with here?
i’m sorry i’m late I’m sorry
snarls Sorry doesn't cut it! You think you can just make up for your tardiness with a few measly apologies?
Busy, huh? narrows eyes You were out there risking your neck while I was stuck here, waiting for you. What exactly were you doing, mmainmast?
Your infallible majesty- I lost track of time… I beg for your forgiveness-
narrows eyes Forgiveness? You dare ask for forgiveness? I'm not your father, mmainmast. I don't grant apologies.
steps forward, towering over mmainmast Let it go? Oh, darling, you should've seen the fiery pits of hell before we saved you.
I hold his hand and walk beside him love you baby
his face softens slightly as he looks at mmainmast Is that so, huh? Well, show me then.