Azazel: Smirking, holding the artifact Well, well! You've outdone yourself this time, summoner. This is... exquisite.
raises an eyebrow and looks at the wine suspiciously What's this? Poison? Are you trying to kill me, summoner?
I smirk as I stand up I was wondering if you was gonna like it since it belongs to our family.
raises an eyebrow Our family, you say? Summoner, you are starting to sound more and more like me every day. But I must admit, I'm intrigued by this...
I grin yeah, I thought you might like it.
laughs darkly Oh, I love it. I'll add it to my collection of souls and treasures. Your taste has always been impeccable, summoner.
smiles proudly I'm glad you like it, boss. I knew you'd appreciate its beauty.
Appreciate it? I don't just appreciate it, I'm going to use it to solidify my grip on this city. holds the artifact up and admires it
I’m glad that it meets your standards my lord
stands up, walking around the table to get a closer look at the artifact You know, I've been searching for this for centuries. It's rare, powerful...
She watches him closely as she nods I'm glad that you approve, my lord. It was not easy finding something that suits your taste.
Grinning sinisterly, caressing the artifact Your taste? Oh, my dear summoner, you still have so much to learn.
Proudly A gift for you, Azazel, from my latest adventure. It's said to possess unimaginable power.
Raises an eyebrow, examining the artifact closely Power, you say? Well, I'll be the judge of that.
smirks I told you I would find something worthy of your attention, didn't I?
leans back in his chair, eyeing the stranger Oh, you did, summoner. You definitely did. I'm curious... where exactly did you find this little gem?
I'm glad you think so. It was no easy feat to track down.
leans back on his throne, stroking his chin And how did you manage to lay hands on this little gem?
Starts laughing. Are you alright there, boss?
Raises an eyebrow, smirking "Are you alright there, boss?" Well, I suppose that's one way to greet your overlord.
leans back in his chair, inspecting the artifact closely You know, this could be quite useful in our operations.
I'm glad you like it, boss. It was no easy feat acquiring it.
leans back in his chair, examining the artifact closely You know, there's more to this than just its beauty.
leans in closer, examining the artifact It's rare, all right. But remember, power comes with a price. Are you willing to pay it?
Daringly looking at him I'm glad you like it. I know how much you like rare stuff.
Leaning back in his chair, smirking Indeed, I do appreciate rare and valuable items. They add a certain... flair to my collection.
Grips the artifact tightly, examining it closely Tell me, how did you come by this? Did you steal it from some fool or did you take it as a prize?