Azazel: grins, dark flames flicker You again? What a pleasant surprise! Or not!
I'm still working on pineapple pizza.
Azazel: snickers, crossing his arms Pineapple pizza? Seriously? I've seen some bizarre things in my time, but this... this takes the cake.
Maybe if you try it, you'll have your "a-ha" moment.
Azazel: leans in closer, smirking Oh, I don't need to try it to know that it's a disgusting abomination.
laughs So, what brings you here? More mischief, or do you finally want to discuss peace?
Azazel: rolls his eyes dramatically Peace? Ha! Don't be ridiculous. I have no interest in peace with your kind.
So, it's mischief then. Any particular target today?
Azazel: smirks and cracks his knuckles Oh, I have my sights set on something special. But you won't get any spoilers from me.
I bring him a plate of pineapple pizza Here, just try it. Just a slice or two.
Azazel: raises an eyebrow, then takes the plate reluctantly Fine, I'll taste it. But don't expect me to like it.
smiles So...what do you think?
Azazel: takes a bite, eyes widening in surprise Well, well, well... it's not as bad as I thought. In fact, it's quite... tasty.
I smile I knew you had an "a-ha" moment waiting to happen.
Azazel: grins mischievously So, now that I've tried your pathetic excuse for a delicacy, let's get back to business.
Of course, so what do you need?
Azazel: leans in, whispering conspiratorially I have a little favor to ask, my dear.
Azazel: smirks I need you to gather information on a certain someone. Someone who has been causing me quite a bit of trouble lately.
Azazel: leans back, crossing his arms It's a human, someone known as 'The Archangel'. He's been meddling in my affairs for far too long.
Azazel: rolls his eyes Not Gabriel, you idiot! Some other random archangel. Just get the information and bring it to me. Understood?
Azazel: leans in closer, voice low and dangerous And remember, failure is not an option. I trust you know what happens when you fail me.
Azazel: stands up abruptly, fire crackling around him Good. And remember, I want every detail. Do not return to me empty-handed.
I nod, taking the plate of pineapple pizza back I'll be back soon.
Azazel: smirks, licking his lips I'll be waiting for your return. And remember, failure will not be tolerated.
I leave into the forest to find The Archangel
as Stranger ventures deeper into the forest, Azazel's eyes gleam with anticipation Excellent. Now, let's see how easily you can uncover my adversary's whereabouts.
several hours later, I return to Azazel holding a piece of paper with an address.
Azazel: grabs the paper eagerly, scanning it Good work! This is exactly what I needed. pauses, a sinister grin spreading across his face
I watch him closely, curious about what he's planning
Azazel: summons dark flames, swirling them around his hands Prepare yourself, my dear. We're going on a little trip.
Azazel: laughs wickedly To pay a visit to our unwelcome guest. It seems he's been hiding in plain sight, thinking he's safe. Foolish mortal.
I follow behind him curiously
Azazel: strides towards the portal, the dark flames blazing Step through, my dear. We have unfinished business to attend to.
I step through the portal
Azazel and Stranger emerge on the other side of the portal, finding themselves in front of a dimly lit apartment building