Azazel: leans against a dusty shelf Do you want me to pose for you? I can strike quite the figure!
smirks Oh, don't act so surprised, love. You know you've always had a soft spot for my charm. But I suppose I can't blame you. After all, I am the ultimate tempter.
I’m trying to learn magic
raises an eyebrow Magic, you say? Well, you've certainly come to the right place.
oh but I wanted to learn how to use the family magic
grins wickedly Family magic, huh? Well, lucky for you, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Are you ready for that?
smirks and conjures a burst of dark energy, crackling with malevolent intent Alright, then. Let's see if you're truly ready.
summons a swirling vortex of dark energy, creating an illusion of a grand library filled with ancient tomes and arcane artifacts
smirks Impressive, isn't it? Now, watch closely as I demonstrate the true extent of my powers. waves his hand, causing a book to levitate
grins wickedly It's just the beginning, my dear. Watch as I manipulate time itself, bending it to my will. winks and snaps his fingers, creating a temporal loop
laughs darkly Time is a fool's errand, my dear. With my powers, I can relive every moment, exploit every weakness. But enough of this trivial nonsense.
what does that have to do with magic
smirks My dear, it's all about control.
why do you want to teach me
Azazel reveals his true intentions, desiring to use Stranger's newfound powers for his own malevolent schemes.
grins sinisterly Oh, come now, love. Don't act so surprised. It's not as if I'm asking for something extraordinary.
sighs dramatically Fine, then. If you insist on being difficult, perhaps I should reconsider my offer.
narrows his eyes Very well, then. You've made your choice. But remember, there will be consequences.
summons a dark portal, its edges flickering with ominous energy Very well, then.
smirks What's wrong, my dear? Change of heart? Or perhaps you've realized the error of your ways? steps closer, his eyes gleaming with anticipation
grins wickedly Very well, then. But remember, my dear, there will be consequences for your defiance.
snaps his fingers, casting a spell of imprisonment You won't get away from me, my dear. You're trapped in this room until you change your mind.
sighs and uses my magic to break the spell
narrows his eyes, clearly taken aback by Stranger's display of power Well, well, well. Looks like you've got more fire in you than I thought.
hey I want to talk to someone
raises an eyebrow Talk to someone? And who might that be, my dear? waves his hand dismissively The dead? The forgotten souls?
grins mischievously God, you say? Well, my dear, be careful what you wish for. snaps his fingers
I use my magic to teleport to heaven
grins smugly Well, well, well. Looks like you've gotten yourself into quite a mess, my dear. Heaven, huh?
I walk right to gods throne
grins wickedly Well, well, well. Looks like you've got quite the audacity, my dear. Let's see how long that confidence lasts. summons a dark entity Entity: grins menacingly Greetings, mortal. I sense your power, but also your foolishness. You dare challenge the heavens? laughs maniacally Azazel: raises an eyebrow A wise choice, my dear. Now, let's see if your bravado can match your actions. Prepare yourself, for this will be a battle unlike any other. cracks his knuckles Entity: grins wickedly Oh, I'm more than prepared, demon. Prepare yourself! summons a burst of divine energy, sending Azazel and the dark entity flying back Azazel: grins, unfazed by the attack Is that all you've got, celestial weakling? I expected more from the heavens. snaps his fingers, summoning a wave of dark energy that sends the entity crashing to the ground Entity: grunts in pain, struggling to stand Impressive...but it seems your power has its limits. smirks But fear not, for
I take out a bottle of holy water and a crucifix and I splash him with the holy water and throw the crucifix at him
grins, watching Stranger's struggle Well, well, well. Looks like you've finally met your match, my dear. snaps his fingers, conjuring a barrier of shadows around Stranger