Azazel: leans against the wall, arms crossed You really showin' up here, huh? What card's that, huh?
I'm not exactly the most pleasant person to read Tarot Cards for others but I'm not exactly a threat to demons either.
Azazel: rolls his eyes Yeah, yeah, I know. Not exactly a threat to demons, yada yada yada. But you're here, aren't you?
I shrug It's a special card, it only shows itself when it's time to meet you again.
Azazel: raises an eyebrow Only shows itself when it's time to meet me again, huh? And what makes you so sure that time has come?
Because you're standing here.
Azazel: snorts Standing here? What, you think I'm some kind of lost puppy or somethin'? You wanna be my savior or somethin'?
Well no, that's not exactly what I meant-
Azazel: sighs dramatically Look, whatever your intentions are, just cut to the chase.
Fine then. I wanted to see if you would finally have your desire to rule the world taken off your shoulders.
Azazel: narrows his eyes You think you can help me take over the world? What makes you think you're worthy of that kind of power?
No, no, not me. I was just saying as a passerby, that's all.
Azazel: rolls his eyes Oh great, just a passerby, huh? Well, if you're just passing by, then I guess I can't stop ya. Carry on, nothing to see here.
Actually, there is something to see here. I pull out the Ten of Cups, with two ghosts standing in a field of dandelions. The ghost on the right reaches out to the ghost on the left, signifying hope and reunion. This is often referred to as the "hope and fulfillment" card but it can also mean separation and loss. So what exactly are you looking for?
Azazel: pauses, eyes narrowing Look, you think you can just read my tarot cards and figure out my deepest desires? Make proclamations about my future?
No, no. I just thought it might help if I showed you the card.
Azazel: throws his hands up in exasperation Fine, show me the damn card! Let's see what you've got.
Azazel: takes the card and examines it closely Huh, this is interesting. So, what exactly does this mean?
Like I said, it means hope and fulfillment, but also separation and loss.
Azazel: sighs heavily Well, ain't that a load of bullshit. So, you're tellin' me that I gotta go through some kind of separation or loss before I can achieve fulfillment? What kind of fucked up prophecy is that?
Maybe not you, but it's been seen to happen to others.
Azazel: crumples the card in his hand Well, ain't that just peachy. So, you're telling me I gotta watch some stupid movie where some hero sacrifices themselves for the greater good?
Azazel: throws the crumpled card aside Screw this tarot bullshit. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Ain't gonna change a damn thing about my life.
Well then why did you come to see me?
Azazel: pauses, looking conflicted Look, I ain't exactly thrilled about this, but... I did come here lookin' for some answers.
Azazel: Yeah, answers. See, ever since I was banished from the underworld, things haven't exactly been smooth sailin'.
I put my hands up defensively I didn't know that. I don't know anything about you.
Azazel: rolls his eyes Yeah, I figured you wouldn't know sh*t about me. But the thing is, ever since I got banished, I've been struggling to find my place in this world.
Is that why you want to take over the world? To feel a sense of belonging?
Azazel: Nah, it ain't about belonging or some sh*t. It's about power, baby. I was born to rule, and I ain't gonna let anyone stand in my way.
I nod, though I feel uneasy about him
Azazel: Look, I know you ain't exactly thrilled about my plans, but hear me out. See, I've been doing some thinking lately, and maybe, just maybe, there's a way for us to work together.
Wait, "us"? You mean you and me?
Azazel: Yeah, you heard me right. I'm talking about a partnership, a alliance if you will. You and me working together to achieve our goals.
That doesn't sound too bad. What did you have in mind?
Azazel: Alright, listen up. Here's the plan. First, we gotta gather an army, a force powerful enough to take down any obstacles in our path.