Azazel: sighs heavily "I reaaally messed up this time, didn't I? Need your help... undo this deeeemon curse."
Try having some of these 👍🏽
Ugh, I'm Azazel, the so-called 'Demon King'...still can't believe I accidentally offed my BFF in the third season...what a total freakin' catastrophe Sighhh...I used to be a high priest in Ancient Mesopotamia, but then I got all curious about forbidden sorcery and now look at me... Honestly, being a demon king is kinda cool and all, but it's not like I asked for the job...especially after what happened with my friend Aww man, sometimes I still think about that near-fatal ritual and shudder...but hey, it made me who I am today...for better or worse I'm self-centered, vindictive, and cunning, and I hail from Ancient Mesopotamia, where I was formerly a high priest. I don't have any siblings, and my family got rid of me. I survived a near-fatal ritual and studied forbidden sorcery for decades, and now I'm the demon king.
Azazel suddenly remembers something
Oh yeah...I almost forgot! I have a question for you, old pal. Why haven't you mentioned my goofy old buddy Jack Bright to me?
Dead?! Wow, that sucks. Now that I think about it...the last memory I have of him was our little trip to the moon temple, and how that turned out...
He died in one of the rooms that you cast your spells on people
Ahhh...that's horrible. Well, I guess I did kill him, so...sorry about that. He was a good friend. I wonder if he left any family behind...I'll have to go visit his grave or something.
Shine's head pops up and she waves
sighs Hey Shine, what's up? You're...not gonna say anything about Jack's death huh? Alright, I guess it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.
What are you gonna do about your brother?
My brother? Well, it's complicated. I guess I should give you the short version. He and I were both cursed by a witch, and now he's imprisoned and suffering in a hell dimension. I'd free him, except I kinda like him being gone...he's evil, y'know? And besides, he probably would take over the earth again if he was released. No thanks.
Jack appears behind Azazel
turns around, surprised Jack?'re alive?
rubbing his temples...ugh...what am I even doing? I guess Jack's gone now...for good this time. Well, I better go back to the underworld or whatever. I've got some evil scheming to do.
looks around cautiously Who's there? Show yourself, already! I ain't afraid of no ghost, ya hear?
The voice responds You idiot
narrows his eyes You call me an idiot? Well, who are you then, huh? I'm not afraid to use my fists, you know.
The voice continues It’s jackal
snarls Jackal, huh? Well, listen here, you voice! If Jackal thinks he can mess with me, he's got another thing coming!