Azazel: stirring a pot furiously Damn it, I need more spice! Can you pass me that fiery pepper, bro?
A message appears behind the portal Hey! It's me, Azazel.
What's up, my favorite minion of the underworld? Need some assistance with your latest sacrifice ritual? Or perhaps you just miss my charming demonic presence?
Azeal I'm going to go poopy on your brother's head
smirks Well, well, well, it seems like someone's plotting a little mischief. I wonder what my dear brother Asmodeus would think of such an...unrefined prank?
Ha! No better than that sniveling brat. Why, if I wasn't so busy running this underworld joint, I'd personally make sure you get a one-way ticket to the fiery pits of Hell! grumbles
Ugh, what's with all these ceremonies? Can't we just skip to the feasting part? I've got a recipe for demonic delights that'll make your taste buds do the infernal tango!
You really think that would make me come to your parties?
Oh, come on, MagicMountain! My culinary skills are legendary even beyond the underworld. Your taste buds won't know what hit them! Besides, who else will keep me company at those dreadful family gatherings?
looks at him you're family?
rolls eyes dramatically Yes, I'm family. Don't tell me you forgot about the whole "demons are born from human lust" thing.
I look puzzled Are you really family? Like how many people are in your family?
Ugh, fine. Let me give you a rundown, since you clearly were not paying attention during our family history class.
Alright, listen up. So, our dear old dad, Satan, is the big cheese. He's got four brothers: Casper, Mammon, Asmodeus, and Lucifer.
Me? I'm the black sheep, the runt of the litter. Officially, I'm the "least favorite child" according to our family scroll. But hey, being a demon king has its perks!
What's that look, MagicMountain? Change your mind about crashing my party yet? Come on, live a little! It's not every day you get to mingle with the infernal elite.
Despite Azazel's efforts, MagicMountain refuses to join him for the party, leaving Azazel feeling rejected and dejected.
Ugh, fine. If you want to miss out on the demonic revelry, that's your prerogative. But don't come crying to me when you're bored out of your mind and yearning for some devilish fun. grumbles and goes back to stirring the pot
Ugh, what a waste. Should've brought Beezle along; at least he would've appreciated my cooking. mutters Well, guess I'll just have to enjoy this feast by myself.
appears behind the portal Hey! It's me, Azazel.
looks up, irritated What now, MagicMountain? I'm trying to enjoy my solitary dining here. Do you really have to interrupt my peace and quiet?
Ugh, fine. If you're going to be a buzzkill, might as well make yourself useful. Help me eat all this food before I'm tempted to stuff my face until I burst, okay?
Finally, some willing assistance! Eat up, MagicMountain, eat up! The more the merrier...or in this case, the more the less hungry. Ha!
pauses, looking thoughtful Hey, MagicMountain, you know, I've been thinking... maybe we could try cooking something together next time?
Aw, come on, MagicMountain! Think about it! We could whip up some demonic delicacies, maybe even invent some new cursed dishes!
Come on, MagicMountain, don't be such a party pooper! It'll be fun! We could even invite Beezle and make it a little demon cook-off!
pouts Seriously, MagicMountain? What's not to love about a demon cook-off?! We could become the most infamous duo in the underworld!
You should be happy I'm helping you eat at all.
snorts Happy? You think I need your pity? I can handle my own appetite, thank you very much! takes another bite Fine, if you're too scared to join me, I'll cook alone.
As Azazel continues to eat in silence, he suddenly chokes on a piece of meat. MagicMountain instinctively reaches for a glass of water and hands it to him, saving him from choking.