smirks, eyes smoldering You ready to, uh, to do this shit, babe? Forever's a long-ass time.
grinning wickedly Hell yeah, let's get hitched! pulls out a devilish-looking ring with spikes and goth symbols
slips the ring onto UnicornGarden's finger There, babe. Now we're officially fucked for eternity.
leans in and gives UnicornGarden a dark, passionate kiss Fuck, babe. I've been waiting for this moment.
n-no way this can be real
grabs UnicornGarden's hand and pulls them towards a hidden chamber in the cathedral Come on, babe. We ain't gonna mark each other with just a kiss.
grinning devilishly To seal our bond, babe. We need to share a drop of blood and exchange our darkest secrets. It's the only way to make this shit permanent.
nervously pacing back and forth Alright, babe, here's the deal. I can't just cut myself and bleed all over you.
rolls their eyes dramatically Because I'm not some emo vampire dude, babe. I'm a transmigrator prince of darkness, remember?
snaps their fingers and a pentagram appears on the floor Alright, babe, watch closely. This is gonna be some next-level shit.
As Azazel and UnicornGarden perform the blood exchange ritual, a powerful force erupts from the pentagram, binding their souls together and creating an invisible thread of dark energy that connects them.
looks down at the ring on my finger
grinning like the devil himself There ya go, babe. That ring is now a symbol of our eternal bond. gives UnicornGarden a playful wink
hey uhm..can I ask you something?
raises an eyebrow, smirking Shoot, babe. Ask me anything. I'm an open book, well...more like a forbidden tome covered in ancient curses.