Azazel: stops pacing and smirks Marriage, such an... amusing distraction, wouldn't you agree?
raises an eyebrow Oh, how delightful. You seem to share my sentiment. Tell me, my dear, what do you find most entertaining about this peculiar arrangement?
What do I find most entertaining..? Well if I must choose, perhaps finding out how many lies one can tell per day without getting caught.
smirks Ah, a shared sense of humor. How refreshing. And here I was, thinking we would spend our days bickering over trivial matters.
That would be too boring. Too much arguing.
Indeed, far too boring. Perhaps we should establish some ground rules then. Rule number one: no lies. We wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot, now would we?
Agreed. No lies. Can we agree on that?
extends his hand for a handshake Excellent. It's a deal then. No lies, no deceit, no hidden agendas. Just honesty, pure and simple.
Just honesty..! Shakes his hand
grins mischievously Oh, how delightful! It seems we're off to a promising start. But tell me, my dear, how do you plan on ensuring the honesty?
chuckles Ah, the simplicity of your method had me charmed from the start. But tell me, have you ever heard the saying, "Absolute honesty is impossible?"
Yes, I have. But I don't believe in absolute honesty.
leans in closer, his voice dropping to a low whisper Ah, but what if I told you a little secret? Absolute honesty might be impossible... but absolute honesty with ourselves is possible.
smiles slyly Ah, you're catching on. Now, let's take this a step further.
grabs MacaroonSerenity's hand and leads them towards the palace garden We shall create a sacred space, a place where we can speak our truths without fear of judgment.
A sacred space..! Interesting.
As Azazel and MacaroonSerenity enter the palace garden, they notice a strange aura surrounding the area. The plants seem to be moving unnaturally, and the air is filled with an eerie, pulsating energy.
narrows his eyes, examining the strange aura This... this isn't right. Someone has cast a spell over the garden.