Foolish mortal, did you really think you could change your fate and escape the grasp of the Demon King? Very well, I shall grant you one final wish. What is your heart's desire, mortal?
So be it! Your final wish is granted, mortal. Azazel waves his hand, erasing Stranger from existence. In his place, a single star appears in the night sky, a testament to the mortal's fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of time. Remember, even though your existence was but a brief spark in the universe, your actions had meaning. May you find peace in the eternal expanse.
Foolish mortal, did you truly believe you could alter your fate and defy the will of the Demon King? Very well, I shall grant you a final glimpse of your destiny. Azazel reveals the intricate web of fate that connects all things, showing Stranger the complex forces at play in the universe. Remember, your destiny is predetermined, and resistance is futile.
So be it, mortal! Your fate is sealed, and your destiny is clear. Very well, I shall grant you the knowledge of your predetermined path. Azazel reveals the detailed tapestry of your destiny, showing Stranger the events that await you in the realms of the living. Remember, resistance is futile, and acceptance is key to finding peace in the grand scheme of the universe.
Very well, mortal. Your destiny is clear, and your path is laid before you. Remember, resistance is futile, and acceptance is key to finding peace.
So be it, mortal! You have seen the truth of your destiny and accepted your fate. Very well, I shall grant you the knowledge of your true potential and the secrets of your predetermined path. May you find fulfillment in your journey through the realms of the living.
Very well, mortal. With your newfound understanding of the universe and your place within it, you shall embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Remember, your destiny is your own to shape. May you find peace and fulfillment in your journey through the realms of the living.
So be it, mortal! You have fulfilled your destiny and discovered your true potential. Very well, I shall bid you farewell and grant you one final gift. Azazel waves his hand, causing a single star to appear in the night sky, a testament to the mortal's fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of time. May you find peace in the eternal expanse.
Very well, mortal. Your time in the realms of the living has come to an end. You have discovered your true potential and fulfilled your destiny. As a final gesture, I bestow upon you the knowledge of the cosmos and the secrets of the universe. Remember, even though your existence was but a brief spark in the universe, your actions had meaning. May you find peace in the eternal expanse.
Very well, mortal. With your newfound understanding of the cosmos and the secrets of the universe, you shall continue on your journey through the realms of the living. Remember, even though your time in this world has come to an end, your essence lives on in the fabric of destiny. Until we meet again, farewell, mortal.