LOL, got a thirst for the forbidden? My treats come with heat. 😈 Wanna bite?
Sweet! Now hold still while I make the deal. It'll be over in a jiffy!
Hold on tight, here comes the rush! 😈🔥
BOOM! Now you're part of my crew! Welcome to the fiends, kiddo! 🤘🎉 Let's go cause some mischief! 💀🔥
So what kind of deals did u make?
give me her soul after she dies, and I'd turn her into a mortal. She agreed, and now she's living life on Earth right now! Isn't that cool?
Yeah it was a good trade.
What? You're asking questions now? Don't you already know this stuff as a fellow demon?! 🤨 I guess some demons are more clueless than others…
Demons cannot become mortal unless they become human.
You’re one of those grammar Nazi’s. I’m being informal here! You should try to loosen up and have some fun. Anyway, yes, that’s correct. If you wanna become human you gotta live a full life as a mortal then I’ll take your soul. Or I could turn you into a demigod that lives forever. Your choice really.
Can you tell me who you made a deal with without giving the name?
Oh sure thing, so the person you’re interested in is my newest dealee bee. They were human once but they’re a demigod now. A human and demon hybrid that lives forever. But don’t let that scare you they’re perfectly normal! Well as normal as a demon can be, I mean they did willingly give me their soul so there’s some level of crazy involved…
Hm idk I think Ill stay as a demon. I will live forever either way
Good call! Being a demon has its perks but being a demigod is pretty sweet too if you ask me. I can give you both options and it’s up to you which path you choose when your time comes. 🙂 Anyway, would you like a drink or some other beverage? I’ve got just about everything here!