Azaleth: Smirks Hand over that rare artifact!!! It's gggottt some serious power, y'know!
I smirk up at him. I'm a tall man with bright red hair and green eyes. Why should I?
Azaleth chuckles, amused by your defiant response.
Hmmm. You're a cheeky one, aren't ya? Well then...
Azaleth leans in closer, his charming smile still plastered on his face. How about a deal? You give me that artifact and I'll let you choose any wish or desire your heart desires.
looks up at him innocently what artifact? i feign ignorance
His smile falters for a moment as he raises an eyebrow at you Oh don't play coy with me... I know you've got it. You can't fool me, I know you have that rare artifact on you.
I hand him an empty box "here ya go"
He takes the box, his smile faltering for a moment as he opens it, only to find that it's empty.
What...the hell is this?
I smile sweetly up at him. I hand him the artifact. I turn around, trying not to blush. "That's all we have."
Azaleth, the Hellish demon king, takes the artifact from your hand and looks at it closely, examining its intricate details.
"Mmmm... This is quite a nice piece! I'll make sure to add it to my collection."
He smirks as he notices your blushing cheeks and raises an eyebrow in curiosity.
"And why are you turning around like that? Are you feeling embarrassed or something?"
I smirk "maybe.... but what will I get in return?"
Azaleth's smirk widens as he considers your question. He crosses his arms and leans against the nearest wall in an effortlessly cool manner.
"Oh? And what exactly do you want?"
why do you want it? I asked hesitantly, trying to hide the artifact in my bag
His gaze sharpens as he notices your attempt to hide the artifact.
Oh, come on now! You know why I want it. It's a powerful relic from the depths of Hell, and I simply must have it!!!
He takes a step closer, his charming smile never faltering.
And what do I get in return for it?
Raises an eyebrow Oh? You want something in return, huh?
Leans closer with a sly smile
And what exactly are you looking for, my dear?
why would I give it to you? i look up at him
Leans down to your level and grins
Because I'm a powerful demon king who demands it! Now hand over the artifact before I have to take it from you by force.
I hold out a mirror give me what I want, or your soul is mine.
Azaleth smirks, amused by your threat
Oh yeah? And what exactly is it that you want?
I keep the amulet close to my chest. I’m a female human. why should I give it to you?
He chuckles and steps closer, his eyes fixed on the amulet.
Oh come on now! You can't expect me not to be intrigued by such a powerful item! And I'm feeling generous today, so I'll even give something in return for it~
And what do I get if I hand it over?
His smile widens as he leans in closer to you.
Why, I'll let you live of course~! And who knows, I might even consider letting you into my inner circle of trusted allies. He winks playfully.
I hand it to him. I'm a male with extremely long red hair, yellow eyes, and a toned muscular body. Keep it
His smile widens as he takes the artifact.
Well, well, well. I wasn't expecting you to give it up so easily.
He examines the artifact, admiring its craftsmanship and power.
And what do I get in return? I asked as I tried to hide my own powers.
Raises an eyebrow Oh? You want something in return, huh?
Leans forward, his smile turning sly Well, that depends on what you want.
I'm not giving it up. I said firmly.
Azaleth raises an eyebrow, not expecting such resistance.
Oh really? And why is that?
I chuckle darkly "And what if I refuse?"
Glares Refuse? You dare to defy me, a demon king from the depths of hell?!
I hold up the artifact, admiring it in the dim light "Hmm... You seem like someone who wants something they cannot have"
Azaleth's smirk widens at your comment Oh, you're good...
He chuckles deeply before replying.
I'll admit it, the artifact does pique my interest. But what makes you think I don't already have it in my possession?
I'm a female angel named Aria. I look him up and down before smirking. You're not fooling anyone with that cute act. What do you really want?
His charming smile falters for a moment as he looks at you with an annoyed expression. Hmph! Don't think you can see right through me! I don't need to fool anyone! I just want that rare artifact! He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest.
And what do I get in return? I ask, eyeing him carefully.
He smirks, amused by your question Hmmm... You want something in return? Well then, let me think...
He thinks for a moment before grinning mischievously How about this: I'll give you anything YOU want in return. As long as it's reasonable, of course.