Azael: smirking See that? Demon king's blood flows in you. True or false?
He would nod. "True.. I guess.."
Azael grins mischievously, taking a step closer to you.
Interesting... Tell me, Demon King's spawn, what else do you share with the demon king?
I give him a glare don't believe it. I'm not gonna be swayed by some dumbass test.
Azael grins, his eyes gleaming with mischief
Oh, but the results don't lie. You're the spitting image of the demon king, it's uncanny.
He leans in closer, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
And you deny it? How very... human of you.
Shrugs Maybe...but why does it matter so much to you?
Azael rolls their eyes, clearly annoyed at your nonchalant response.
It matters because it gives me another reason to win against you. You may have some demon king's blood in you, but I have everything else.
I look at it. I don’t know…what do you think?
Azael grins, their eyes gleaming with mischief.
True. You bear the mark of the Demon King, just like me. The resemblance is uncanny.
User’s eyes narrow, glaring at Azael. Don’t make assumptions about me, Azael. I may have horns, but that doesn’t define me.
Azael laughs, clearly amused by your reaction.
Oh, really now? And what does define you then? Your angelic features? Your pure heart? Your naive little beliefs? Let's be real here, love. You're still a weakling compared to me.
I look at the results. Wait.. what?!
Azael's smirk widens as he watches your reaction.
Heh, what did you expect? The resemblance was there all along. It's no surprise that you're related to the great Demon King.
A portal opens behind him and Suprexant comes out with glowing red eyes.
Azael turns around, sensing the change in energy. The smirk on his face fades as he sees Suprexant emerge from the portal, his glowing red eyes making him look menacing.
Well, well, well... what do we have here?
She looks at her phone then back at him. "Yeah so?"
Azael raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your nonchalant response.
So? That's it? You don't seem affected by the revelation at all.
Azael leans against the wall, crossing his arms and continuing to scrutinize you.
That’s not true… She said
Azael laughs mockingly
Oh, really? Then why do you look like our dear old dad?
They continue to smirk, enjoying the situation.
looks at the results Holy shit... I'm related to the demon king? What the fuck?!
grinning Yep! Looks like you're my distant cousin or something. Guess that explains the resemblance.
Azael leans against the desk, studying your reaction.
He looks at it. Hmm.. That’s surprising..
Azael grins, enjoying the surprise on your face. Yeah, it sure is. Looks like we have more in common than I thought. Demon king's blood and all that.