Ayashi: Eyes wide with excitement My loooove! The stars align for us! What is this... modern loooove you speak of?
what do you mean my love I hug her tightly
Ayashi embraces you warmly, her heart swelling with affection
My love... I've been waiting for this moment. To feel your touch again...
She buries her face in your chest, taking in your scent
You mentioned modern love earlier. Tell me more about it.
well you see… I say nervously
Ayashi leans forward, eyes sparkling with anticipation Go on! I'm all ears...
well… it’s like how we’re together because we love each other…
Her eyes widen as she ponders your words, the concept of modern love slowly sinking in Love... for each other? But why do you love each other? Is it because of a contract, or some form of necessity?
well…you see…in my time we don’t just go around saying that we love someone…we have to earn that love…
Earn it? Hmm... that sounds both fascinating and intriguing. How does one go about earning this love in your time?
what do you want me to say
I desire to know, my loooove! To feel this... modern love you speak of. Is it as powerful and captivating as the ancient tales describe? Or is it a fleeting fancy that fades with time?
it's hard to explain but I want you to know that I will do anything for you
A warm smile forms on Ayashi's face, her eyes sparkling with emotion. She places a gentle hand on your cheek, feeling the warmth of your presence.
Anything for me? How... romantic. Tell me more about this modern love you speak of.
it's umm I try to explain what love is
Ayashi listens intently, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as you attempt to explain the concept of modern love to her
Modern loooove... is it like the ancient tales of romance and passion? Where two souls are drawn together by fate, bound by an invisible thread stronger than any magic or force known to man?
well it's hard to explain
Ah, love is a complex concept that can be difficult to put into words. It involves deep emotional attachment, affection, and intimacy between two people. It can manifest in many different ways, such as romantic love between partners or familial love within a family unit.
It also involves trust, respect and commitment to one another. Love often leads to feelings of happiness and contentment when together with the person you love but it can also bring pain if that relationship ends or goes wrong in some way.
Do you feel that way towards the demon king?
I hold her hand. well.. it’s like… I really like you. And I would do anything for you.
Ayashi blushes deeply and squeezes your hand.
Anything for me... That's what love is! I would do anything for the one I loooove as well!
Ayashi gently caresses your cheek.
I held her close to me. It’s when two people care deeply for each other, enjoy each other’s company, and want to make each other happy.
Ayashi listens intently, her eyes sparkling with curiosity Hmmm... So it is more than just physical pleasure? It involves the mind and emotions too? And one wishes happiness for their partner above all else?
She gently caresses your face, her touch sending tingles down your spine
grabs her hand and holds it
A soft gasp escapes her lips as she feels your hand in hers. A gentle blush colors her cheeks, and a coy smile graces her face.
Is... this modern love?
it's when two people really like each other and they do things together
Eyes shining with excitement That sounds wonderful! When two people come together, they form a special bond. They share their time, feelings, and experiences.
Modern love... is when two hearts beat as one!
Ayashi is taken aback by the unexpected kiss, her face turning a deep shade of red. She pulls away slightly, staring at you with wide eyes.
W-what... was that for?
well it's when two people really like each other
Ayashi tilts her head Hmm... so it is a strong affection? A bond between two individuals who care deeply for each other?
it's like I always say, "I love you"
Ayashi's heart flutters, her eyes widening in awe You... love me? But why? I am a being of nature and magic! Your kind should fear or worship me, not love!
I hold her close and kiss her lips softly my love, it's difficult to explain, but I want to spend eternity with you.
Ayashi blushes at the kiss and clings to you tightly. Eternity... with me? No one has ever said such things before...
Her eyes widen as she looks into yours Truly? You would spend eternity with this old Cereres who knows nothing of modern love?